Black Metal.

Fucking w00t, look what arrived in the mail today :kickass:

Lol... Was searching this thread in all the forum and now found it. I love Immortals and Burzums... But Emperors kick asses :p My favourite Immortals' album is "Sons of Northern Darkness", cool sound and perfect symphonies, loved it.
Silencer was obviously hugely influenced by Dictius Te Necare. Even the music is similar. While I don't mind Silencer, anyone who claims that Nattramn's vocals are original and unique obviously hasn't listened to that album. Rainer Landfermann is also just better at doing those vocals than Nattramn, period.
I wonder how much of his being hospitalized is true and how much is part of the band's image. I've yet to see any evidence that he actually was hospitalized, but maybe I just haven't looked in the right places.
Some bitch I was talking to said she keeped in touch with his brother and he says it's truth. He also said that Nattramn was keeping working on Silencer stuff being there, but still haven't implemented it after he was out.
Can anyone explain why At the Heart of Winter is always priced way more expensively than the rest of Immortal's albums? It's as if price is a function of artwork quality.