Black Metal.

^Yeah, that's the one I was looking at, I'll wait closer to the ending time to bid on it though, The Setherial CD went unbelievably increased in bids and price over last night though.
What does everyone think of Transilvanian Hunger? Is it Darkthrone's best?

Under a Funeral Moon is my favorite. The title track and "Natassja in Eternal Sleep" are both some of my favorite black metal songs. Transilvanian Hunger is still an extremely good album, and definitely worth owning.
A Blaze in the Northern Sky is Darkthrones best. And Kathaarian Life Code is pretty much the best black metal song ever.

The title track is my favorite from the album. But I don't rank Darkthrone at the very top of Black Metal. Several bands are better.
The title track is my favorite from the album. But I don't rank Darkthrone at the very top of Black Metal. Several bands are better.

As I only have a decent-to-adequate knowledge of black metal, my favourite band in this particular genre is Darkthrone because quite frankly, they don't suck.

"Dance of Eternal Shadows" is one of the grittiest, most doom laden and awesome songs I have ever heard.
I don't place Emperor anywhere near the top of anything, except carnival music. Ihsahn's vocals are also really wimpy and annoying most of the time. This is my opinion, of course.
Well of course, but I place everyone else in that echelon above them, namely Emperor, Burzum, Mayhem, Immortal, Bathory, Deathspell Omega, Nokturnal Mortum etc....

Deathspell Omega
Nokturnal Mortum


And Deathspell Omega and Nokturnal Mortum are on a lower level. And Bathory is on a level all of its own...well for the most part, though sometimes Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Sodom, Mercyful Fate, and Venom drop by.