Black Metal.

The vocals on Filosofem are a lot lower in the mix, another reason it's a good starter, that and it's the most accessible, next to the debut perhaps.
Burzum/Aske has great songs in it but seems more like a compilation than a full album that flows together like Filosofem. The first 3 songs on Filosofem are great, Gebrelickhet(spellin?) I and II aren't as good though, though they're good songs.
I agree with the last few posters about Burzum/Aske. It's never felt coherent to me. I think DSEV is a good starting point for people with a death metal background, and HLTO is better for those who are already familiar with black metal.
Can anyone recommend me some more melodic inclined black metal - but not necessarily 'melodic black metal.' Maybe something along the lines of Forest of Fog, but better.
I gave Krieg another shot and this stuff is rather good actually. Too noisy for me, but at least now I can pick out the riffs from what once seemed like an impenetrable wall of noise.