Black Metal.

It's definitely true IMO. I think Antaeus is great. Their side project Aosoth isn't bad, either.

To me they always seemed like a another Marduk-esque super-fast, blastbeat, and overtly pseudo-intelligent lyrics about satanism. Someone tell me about their past releases.
It's definitely true IMO. I think Antaeus is great. Their side project Aosoth isn't bad, either.

I only have Blood Libels but thoroughly enjoy it and that Aosoth isn't too bad as well. Black Flame is a pretty good listen to me though it may be generic still makes me happy.
Everybody but me? You realize that includes you?

Also, a lot of the stuff he recommends is great, like Arckanum, which is a band I actually hadn't heard before he talked about them here.
hey i will admit i checked out black flame after he mentioned them. they were just ok but he's had a couple of keeper bands. arckanum is pretty great but they are popular anyways so i would have checked them out sooner or later. he mostly goes on and on about obscure death metal that doesn't really interest me but i'll at least give his bm recs a chance.
I heard Black Flame a few weeks ago, a friend recommended it. I'll take any good black metal recs. though be it from V5 or any of you guys, i'm not proud.
good then you should check out

profanum - flowers of our black misanthropy
legion of doom - god is dead
forest of fog - nebelhymnen
hate forest - purity
i shalt become - wanderings
inferi - shores of sorrow
I think more people should check out The Ruins of Beverast. Both of his full-lengths are very nice in my opinion.
My love for Burzum has been growing very strong over the past school year. I am in need of something similar that has been released in the past few years. I have already heard Marblebog and Strid.
How is the new Keep of Kalessin? I like the songs I've heard off of Kolossus on XM Radio from it.

It's their worst. You're better off getting Through Times of War.

I'm considering writing a counter-review for TMO to the fanboy reviews that have hit the site recently for that album. That said, it's a good album, but the next step down in a declining trend since their debut.

What's so special about that Black Flame release, honestly? It seems to be pretty generic and terribly boring.

Generic is the perfect word I'd use to describe them. Good at what they do, but I'm tired of it.

i shalt become - wanderings

Requiem > Wanderings
What's so special about that Black Flame release, honestly? It seems to be pretty generic and terribly boring.

True. I guess they impresse peoples who got into metal in 2004, (V5).

I think more people should check out The Ruins of Beverast. Both of his full-lengths are very nice in my opinion.

Ha! my favorite band at the moment, not easy listening at first but the music here is brillant and original unlike the countless number of Darkthrone and Burzum clones.
It's their worst. You're better off getting Through Times of War.
I'm considering writing a counter-review for TMO to the fanboy reviews that have hit the site recently for that album. That said, it's a good album, but the next step down in a declining trend since their debut.

That whole album is total, sell-out record in my eyes and they have never been good, though I have heard their debut.
True. I guess they impresse peoples who got into metal in 2004, (V5).

I got into (primarily black) metal in late 2006 and it doesn't impress me at all, so I dunno. Maybe some people like that stuff.

Ha! my favorite band at the moment, not easy listening at first but the music here is brillant and original unlike the countless number of Darkthrone and Burzum clones.

I really didn't have any problems with his stuff, since I've heard other plenty of music that has a similar feeling and inaccessibility. He's a pretty awesome drummer, too.
Didn't Keep of Kalessin do an EP with Attila Csihar on vocals? That would be the only release by them I'm interested in hearing, since everything else I've heard by them is boring, but Attila's definitely a cool vocalist.
I'm going to download it. I'm pretty sure Attila's better than anyone else they'd ever have had on vocals, since the ones I've heard weren't anything really amazing. Maybe they'll impress me.