Black Metal.

I need alot more black metal I think, im getting sorta bored with my music because basically been into thrash and the uspm scene for like 5 straight months and barely touching doom/black.

I like the more epic stuff, keyboard laden..not just straight up angry bang on the drums same riff whole time. I like time transitions etc etc.

I think bands I think are above average and enjoy alot are;

Battle Dagorath
Cor Scorpii

If ya need any more bands ill check my mp3 player to see what else i got, but those are the ones that stand out. Cheers
I need alot more black metal I think, im getting sorta bored with my music because basically been into thrash and the uspm scene for like 5 straight months and barely touching doom/black.

I like the more epic stuff, keyboard laden..not just straight up angry bang on the drums same riff whole time. I like time transitions etc etc.

I think bands I think are above average and enjoy alot are;

Battle Dagorath
Cor Scorpii

If ya need any more bands ill check my mp3 player to see what else i got, but those are the ones that stand out. Cheers

Limbonic Art
Nokturnal Mortum
^ thanks for the bands thus far, I shoulda added album(s) rec by each please, or I usually just go by MA and thats not always the best
^ thanks for the bands thus far, I shoulda added album(s) rec by each please, or I usually just go by MA and thats not always the best

Aborym - Fire Walk With Us
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon
Darkspace - Dark Space I
Gehenna - Seen Through the Veils of Darkness
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Odium - The Sad Realm of the Stars
Zargof - Departure for the Cosmic Twilight

It seems that you finally bought the album The Sad Realm of the Stars.

Took me forever to find it. Got it in a trade with Ben_t.
^alot of those really aren't what im looking for it all, and some of them are that industrial BM that just doesnt mix. thanks tho


lunar is good though, probably the closest to what I asked. None of these bands are using synths tho :(
lunar is good though, probably the closest to what I asked. None of these bands are using synths tho :(

If you are looking for synths you might like Kataxu - Hunger of Elements

And after looking at your op I think you might like Nokturnal Mortum, early Emperor, and I Shalt Become - Requiem. If you've already heard these I have a ton of symphonic stuff you'll probably like
^alot of those really aren't what im looking for it all, and some of them are that industrial BM that just doesnt mix. thanks tho


lunar is good though, probably the closest to what I asked. None of these bands are using synths tho :(

Every band I listed uses synths to some extent, especially on the albums I listed.
Well I'm not sure what he's looking for, whether it be full-blown symphonic black metal or atmospheric black metal with use of synths.