Black Metal.

Katharsis- VVVVE is absolutely wicked, as is Kruzifixxxion. Avoid 666, unless you just really need another sub-par "Bathory intepreted through the lens of Under a Funeral Moon" album.

On a side note, I'm listening to Ruins of Beverast now- how the FUCK does a band this dull and tedious get this much hype?
Katharsis- VVVVE is absolutely wicked, as is Kruzifixxxion. Avoid 666, unless you just really need another sub-par "Bathory intepreted through the lens of Under a Funeral Moon" album.

On a side note, I'm listening to Ruins of Beverast now- how the FUCK does a band this dull and tedious get this much hype?

I have not checked out the other Katharsis albums yet. Are they as intense and "mindfucking" as VVVVE?

Despite the whole occult-ish death/black metal style totally not being my thing, Abyssmal Nocturne - From the Astral Abyss totally rules.
Any thoughts on Katharsis? Listening to a few tracks on and they aren't too bad. Might pick up 'VVorldVVithoutEnd' but wanted to get a general impression of how well their music holds up.

I really like this band. Totally insane stuff. I'd say any of their full lengths are worth getting.
Katharsis- VVVVE is absolutely wicked, as is Kruzifixxxion. Avoid 666, unless you just really need another sub-par "Bathory intepreted through the lens of Under a Funeral Moon" album.

On a side note, I'm listening to Ruins of Beverast now- how the FUCK does a band this dull and tedious get this much hype?

more atmospheric/ambient(but not entirely--Alatyr is probably the most atmospheric that I listen to but theyre good) some can use synths and be amazing, like Windir or not like any other bands, but I didnt see that in any of ur bands Zeph, sure I myspaced songs off their albums but if they didnt have it other wouldnt I'd bet on

OK, I'll narrow down my list to bands' albums that use synths in every single song. These albums are very atmospheric.

Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Odium - The Sad Realm of the Stars
Zargof - Departure for the Cosmic Twilight
I really need to check out Deathspell Omega. I seem to remember listening to one track before or something and thinking, dang this is sweet, but I never delved further.