Black Metal.

so I'm listening to Black Flame, and it's a pretty solid slab of metal...I'd be more willing to classify it as death metal though. Perhaps blackened death.
haha, every time v5 mentions a band you people download like crazy and create this huge false hype that lasts for about a week
@ Zeph, I see in your sig that you were listening to Under the Sign of Hell. Did you just get it or have you had it for a while? I'm interested in what you think of it. I like it but I thought Pentagram was better, I really need to get Ad Majorem Satanas Gloriam though.
Under the Sign of Hell was the first Gorgoroth album I ever heard, and it's still my favorite. "Profetens Åpenbaring" and "The Rite of Infernal Invocation" are worth the price of the whole album.
Those songs do kick some ass, Profetens Apenbaring especially. One thing about the album that kinda made me go wtf? when I first listened to it was the sound of the blast beats in Revelation of Doom, they remind of somebody smacking some 2x4's together. Great album though.
Sort Vokter-Folkloric Necro Metal is some interesting black metal with all the members on THC, expect Ildjarn who stayed sober, while recording and writing the record. Not mind-blowing but interesting nonetheless
haha, every time v5 mentions a band you people download like crazy and create this huge false hype that lasts for about a week

I noticed that people always download and talk about stuff he mentions, but I already know most of the bands he talks about here and I recommend him more stuff than he recommends me.