Black Metal.

I stumbled across a rapidshare link for Crushing The Holy Trinity and have just finished the first disc and have started on the second. I am really digging this.

The DSO track and Stabat Mater track were both quite interesting, and I really need to listen to them with better speakers/headphones becasue mine kept crackling, which was very distracting. Both tracks are very long but the time went quickly. It was different to hear acoustics in a DSO song. The song definitely has a "crazed" sound to it. The Stabat Mater track was very dark and ominous sounding.

I am now onto the Musta Surma tracks. I had never heard of these guys, but I like them and would be interested in finding some of their material. It appears however that most everything they have put out has been on splits or comps.

I am looking forward to getting to the Mgla tracks, as I have heard a lot of good things about the band.

Based on what I have heard so far, I would definitely pick up this comp if I saw it somewhere for a reasonable price.
I stumbled across a rapidshare link for Crushing The Holy Trinity and have just finished the first disc and have started on the second. I am really digging this.

The DSO track and Stabat Mater track were both quite interesting, and I really need to listen to them with better speakers/headphones becasue mine kept crackling, which was very distracting. Both tracks are very long but the time went quickly. It was different to hear acoustics in a DSO song. The song definitely has a "crazed" sound to it. The Stabat Mater track was very dark and ominous sounding.

I am now onto the Musta Surma tracks. I had never heard of these guys, but I like them and would be interested in finding some of their material. It appears however that most everything they have put out has been on splits or comps.

I am looking forward to getting to the Mgla tracks, as I have heard a lot of good things about the band.

Based on what I have heard so far, I would definitely pick up this comp if I saw it somewhere for a reasonable price.
I think it's a great comp. Especially for the Mgla tracks and the DsO track. Actually the Clandestine Blaze tracks are better than most of his album cuts. I get some enjoyment out of Exordium and Musta Surma, but Stabat Mater doesn't do it for me. If you can get it for around $30, it's not too bad.
I just got it for $38. Most distros I saw were selling it for $35 but they were all sold out. I figured the 3 extra bucks on a "Buy it Now" on ebay was worth it. It really isn't that bad a price considering how much music you are actually getting. It's really just like buying 3 separate discs.

Edit: Damn, Moribund has it for $32. Drat.
Shit. Aborym. I finally checked them out on Youtube, and now I can't stop listening to the few songs there. Awesome shit. My next CD haul will definitely have Generator, and possibly With No Human Intervention as well.
I see it as a triarchy of Xasthur, Leviathan and Nachtmystium. At least currently.

Shit, how did I forget Nachtmystium? I find them better than any of the three I mentioned. Perhaps they're so good that I forget they're from an artistic wasteland such as America. :lol:

Clandestine Blaze - Deliverers of Faith is an amazing album. I can see where the Transilvanian Hunger comparisons are valid, but this album is so much more varied and dynamic. It creates a happy medium between straightforward Darkthrone-worship and the progressiveness of Deathspell Omega.