Black Metal.

Zjevení and Hell Symphony are classics. Black Seal is a great metal album, but a bit different style. Daemon is a step down. I must admit that I don't know the other ones as good but they should be of good quality too.

BTW, there's another Czech bm band that I haven't seen mentioned around here even when cz bm is fellated here a lot. It's Zlo, a ban that has only put out a demo in 2007 but already is considered a classic of Czech bm. I really don't know why though.
Over the past few days I have been getting into Root. And I have one question, how can a band that is so consistently fucking awesome go so relatively unheard of? I probably wouldn't have ever encountered them if it weren't for Dodens rateyourmusic page that I stumbled across last week.

I was just thinking earlier today of compiling a list of bands who evoke a similar feeling in the style of black or black/death metal, among them Root. I now have an incentive to do so, so check it out once I get it done. It will initially be just a list, but maybe I'll eventually add some descriptions.
I'll definitely check that out, Dodens.

'relatively unheard of' may be too strong of words, but you get my meaning I hope.
I did not like what I heard from Root but the songs I heard are what's on their MySpace page. If any of their material is different than that, please let me know.
I did not like what I heard from Root but the songs I heard are what's on their MySpace page. If any of their material is different than that, please let me know.

As any great band/artist, their material needs to be listened to in context of a full album.

Check out Hell Symphony and The Book for a good sampling of their various styles.
BTW, there's another Czech bm band that I haven't seen mentioned around here even when cz bm is fellated here a lot. It's Zlo, a ban that has only put out a demo in 2007 but already is considered a classic of Czech bm. I really don't know why though.

hm! I'll have to czech it out (see what I did there?)
Just try and find some of those releases. I'm weary of people criticizing this board for not listening to these bands when lots of the albums haven't been available for years now.

If bands get their shit reissued, it will sell. Other than 2nd wave Norwegian rarities, if things had a limited print run they will not sustain popularity.
yeah sorry i should've specified that i meant well known in extreme metal circles, i sometimes forget i'm surrounded by complete idiots


List is up, though I doubt most who are at least somewhat familiar with the style that I had in mind would find many new discoveries.