Black Metal.


Sigh - Scorn Defeat

Anyone who wants some essential second wave black metal should def. check this one out.
I have a soft spot for Sigh in general. Yep,great album . It may sound perentious to a rigid BM fan, though.
I stumbled across an interesting Series of videos on YouTube today. It is a documentary or news report program about the early stages of BM and primarily Varg and the media reaction and is a decent watch. There are of course some inconsistencies and contradictions, but that is to be expected. Some interviews with Varg himself are included. It was however disappointing that when Varg started to discuss his murder of Euronymous, they cut him off.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Ah yes, "Satan Rides The Media". The doco is more about criticism of the Bergens Tidende newspaper (or rather the media in general) and how they blew the whole thing out of proportion.

The entire film is available here (you must register if you haven't already).

Varg's reaction to the film is here.

Also, another Black Metal documentary by NRK (a music show in NOR).

Note: I'm not dead sure of the health of these, but I have them all from some time back anyway, they should be okay...
I stumbled across an interesting Series of videos on YouTube today. It is a documentary or news report program about the early stages of BM and primarily Varg and the media reaction and is a decent watch. There are of course some inconsistencies and contradictions, but that is to be expected. Some interviews with Varg himself are included. It was however disappointing that when Varg started to discuss his murder of Euronymous, they cut him off.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Love the Limbonic Art song they play at the 8:30 mark on Part 1.
Yet, I've found only their EP 'Boka Vm Kaos' (2002). But I'll try to search for more. Thank you, Malignance.
I just watched the whole movie of Satan Rides The Movie, very interesting but it was centered too much around Burzum and Mayhem and not Emperor or Darkthrone and other Norwegian BM bands at the time.
Ah yes, "Satan Rides The Media". The doco is more about criticism of the Bergens Tidende newspaper (or rather the media in general) and how they blew the whole thing out of proportion.


It is funny how when they are showing images of his flat and revealing all of his "evil" paraphernalia, they are just pulling a bunch of old Castle RavenLoft D&D books off of the shelf. There was even a RavenLoft poster on the wall. :lol:
Varg sure loved his D&D. He talks about briefly on and even signed that reaction article you posted as Varg "The Bugbear" Vikernes.