Black Metal.

Somewhat similar aesthetic. Both bands are rather polished and play long songs heavily based on repetition. Krallice just has much better riffs and exceptionally strong musicianship, bordering on being called "tech" at times, while being rather minimal at others.
Krallice are awesome! They are supposed to be releasing a new album this year, right? I thought I read something along those lines in this particular thread.
I read a bunch of reviews of Enthroned albums a couple nights ago, particularly XES Haereticum and Tetra Karcist. My best friend and I have always loved their music but it seems that the black metal community as a collective does not enjoy their tunes very much.
Took down my BM band list, because it was obnoxiously long. I still have it, though, so if you wanna see it, send me a PM.
Krallice are awesome! They are supposed to be releasing a new album this year, right? I thought I read something along those lines in this particular thread.
Indeed, I had heard as much from some of the guys in the band, so I think it's a solid bet. You can never be positive with so many labels lacking the capital to print albums, but they seem like enough sure sales to warrant a prompt release. I'm still giving this album lots of spins a few months after getting it. Really has a lot of staying power for me.

Makes me wonder sometimes how clean sounding black metal can get. I like when bands have explored really high notes and chords with minimal distortion. Super fuzzed-out BM has been taken to its logical extremes, but I'm curious about the opposite approach.
The most loved BM band ever. Because... they burned churches??
Really "Filosofem" is one of the best albums ever??
Kill Varg, please. Then you'll be the god of Metal.
I've listened to some Negura Bunget on youtube, feels like interesting stuff. Do they have a good catalogue overall? (I know that Om is praised by many, but asides from that)
N Crugu Bradului is slightly similar to OM...really awesome stuff

Their back catalog has a different sound than the last two albums, but it's still definitely worth looking into. Zirnindu-Sa and Sala Molksa are really good.
Hi, just want to let you know that there is a documentary film about black metal with several screenings coming up in the US and Europe. The film features Varg Vikernes, Fenriz, and many more - but no "experts." Their story, their words. Disclaimer: I am one of the directors, if there is a more appropriate place for this than the black metal discussion, please point me there.

I'll put some links to reviews so you know that this is NOT: Lords of Chaos the movie, sensationalized, nor what you might expect.

Upcoming screenings:

Chicago, July 25th, 8pm
Directors in Attendance
Gene Siskel Film Center -
Sponsored by Reckless Records

Boston, Aug 1st, 7:30 pm
The Brattle Theater
40 Brattle St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Houston, Aug 7th, 8:30 pm
Domy Books

Atlanta - Aug 13
Plaza Theater, 7:30 pm

Albuquerque, August 14 & 15, 10:30 pm
Guild Cinema – 3405 Central Ave., NE
*advance tickets available at Charley's 33s & CDs, call (505)296-3685, cash only

Chapel Hill, August 20th 9:30 pm
Nighlight Arts Space

Tucson, Aug 26, 8pm
The Loft Cinema

Philadelphia, Sept 2, 7:30 pm
Ibrahim Theater at International House

All special engagement screenings have sold out, big thanks to all who have come. If you're planning on going to an upcoming screening, you might want to get advance tickets where available.

London, Early October, Raindance Film Festival with special event, DATE TBA

Kortrijk, Belgium, Buda Arts Centre/Arthouse October 9th www.

Lausanne, Switzerland - mid October, DATE TBA

Krakow, Poland: Unsound Festival, late October, DATE TBA

more in the works...

Australia TBA

Please let us know if you can be part of the street team in your city. Help with flyering, posting on forums, making your friends go. Street teams are put on the guest list for their city.

Thank you,
Audrey Ewell and Aaron Aites
mailing list:

N Crugu Bradului is slightly similar to OM...really awesome stuff

Their back catalog has a different sound than the last two albums, but it's still definitely worth looking into. Zirnindu-Sa and Sala Molksa are really good.

Inarborat Kosmos is pretty good too. Om is still the obvious winner tho.