Black Metal.

The most loved BM band ever. Because... they burned churches??
Really "Filosofem" is one of the best albums ever??
Kill Varg, please. Then you'll be the god of Metal.

I smell troll...

...and it smells like shit.

Lugburz > most other black metal.

BTW, Trist (CZE) has got a new demo called Ve Snech Nekrvácím (In Dreams I don't Bleed). I did also translate the titles for some German guy on, they're 1) Chronic Feeling Of Emptiness 2) Monophony of Darkness.
I just discovered that all the members of Gates of Winter (the Christian progressive heavy/power metal band) are also the members of Woods of Ypres, and I'm having a difficult time coming to grips with that.
Likewise. Oath Bound is a chore.

i have no patience with bands who stick to a formula even after they've perfected it, no matter how well they continue to do it. move the hell on, perfect something else. there was a time when every summoning album was clearly distinct from the others, can't say that anymore except in glimpses, and it's not like they're improving significantly on the stuff they're rehashing either. i'd even prefer an audacious flop or two of celtic frost proportions.
So has anyone listened to Weapon's full length? Many, many listens later, I think this may end up my favourite release of the year. They may have lost some of that "rawness" (if that's the right word to use) of prior recordings, but everything else more than makes up for that. Can't get enough of it.
I still can't get into N Crugu... The production on it just does not sit well with me, and it's not like I just got the CD either. I've had it for at least 3 years and it still does nothing for me. Om on the other hand clicked right away for me. I guess I'll give N Crugu another listen tonight, but I may have to trade it away soon.