Black Metal.

Well, I'll be damned, people talking about Satyricon when I'm going to order one of the 2 earliest albums soon, how ironic, not sure which one I'll get. Both sounded good from the 30 second samples I heard, I love that last riff of Into The Mighty Forest.
Well, I'll be damned, people talking about Satyricon when I'm going to order one of the 2 earliest albums soon, how ironic, not sure which one I'll get. Both sounded good from the 30 second samples I heard, I love that last riff of Into The Mighty Forest.

I also heartily reccomend Naglfar to you, if you are an Emperor fan.
Nav' - Halls of Death

Just really clicked with me, the guitar work is pretty solid, and the bass sets the mood (atmosphere). The vocals have a distinct sound, but stay close to normal black metal territory. Great Russian Black Metal.
been listening to Nagelfar a lot lately. Virus West and the first one are solid.

Nargaroth's debut is excellent as well