Black Metal.

Black metalish so I'll post it here...

So is the Enslaved comp The Sleeping Gods - Thorn worth getting? I see it's a couple EPs from before RIITIIR which gives me some hope.

I like most of Enslaved's output minus Axiomwhatever and In Times. (thought IT was fucking awful)
I like most of Enslaved's output minus Axiomwhatever and In Times. (thought IT was fucking awful)

Not sure on the Comp, but I think they have one of the best overall discographies for having the number of albums they do. Definitely are weaker in the current style tho. Isa will forever be their best IMO- between the title track, Neogenesis and Return To Yggdrasil. mmmmph.
It's really less than a surprise you dont prefer their latter day stuff, @Phylactery

I like a lot of their less than bm stuff, but I like weird black metal. RIITIIR may actually be my favorite album by the band, which is why hating In Times disappointed me so badly. I've never actually listened to Vikingligr Veldi in its entirety but I have it coming, grabbed it in the new version with Hordanes Land as bonus. Intending on filling a bunch of discography gaps I have with the band.
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Hordanes Land is also awesome, just not quite as good as the full length imo. Midgards Eldar is my favourite track, it's fucking glorious.

I don't think I've listened to anything they've done since Isa, so I should listen to some of their newer stuff. I'll probably start with RIITIIR since that's your favourite.
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Hordanes Land is also awesome, just not quite as good as the full length imo. Midgards Eldar is my favourite track, it's fucking glorious.

I don't think I've listened to anything they've done since Isa, so I should listen to some of their newer stuff. I'll probably start with RIITIIR since that's your favourite.

They're way proggier. But it works. They do it in a more of a chill way without the wankery. You might be shocked since it was a fairly gradual transition compared to other bands abrupt shifts in style.
Those two EPs rule but if you're expecting something like the albums around them you're not going to get it. Stripped back, 'atmospgeric' BM. Not much in the way of the later albums' proginess.

My favourites are Frost, Eld and Ruun. I win.
Fuck, kinda surprised it took that long for someone to mention Eld.

I'm a fan of later Enslaved; but I feel like that's because I'm a prog rock fan, not because I'm a fan of black metal.
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As much as I do agree that Vikingligr Veldi is a pinnacle of black metal, Blodhemn is my personal favourite of their albums.

also gets much worship from me and like Ein said, later Enslaved is brilliant music but it probably relates much more to a taste for progressive rock. They always had a certain progressive layer in their early days though.

I love their strange use of keyboards on their early albums.
Von is awful but kind of fun to occasionally listen to.

So I was looking around to see what the first two Aeternus albums are going for and wow that guy from Sopor Aeternus is a faggot.
I was big into Enslaved for a time although my taste in heavy metal changed around the time Ruun came out, which as I recall had a few good tracks on it. My favourites were always Below The Lights and Isa.
So I was looking around to see what the first two Aeternus albums are going for and wow that guy from Sopor Aeternus is a faggot.

The first 2 Aeternus albums are fucking Godly. I don't think they're hard to find and they go for a normal price. My friend's parents bought me "And So the Night Became" for my birthday many years ago. The only way I can really describe that album is cinematic.
I'm gonna get flamed for this but I think Aeternus is just ok based on And so the Night Became... It is pretty epic but it does tend to bore me after a spell. I honestly think I listened to Beyond the Wandering Moon once so I have no comment on that one. Haven't bothered with anything else by them.
Well obviously you need to reevaluate your opinion. But yeah, they took me a while to get into actually as their albums are incredibly dense and rather subtle. The Dark Sorcery EP and Shadows of Old (which is far more death metallish but still retains the folkish melodies) are also worthwhile, just not as masterful as the first 2 albums.

I mean just listen to:

"In shimmering circles of silver light, in icy wind and spitting fire, through flowing stream and ancient mountaaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnn aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "
Fucking spine chilling. The keyboard touches in this song are also amazingly well executed.


Savage blast beat sections interwoven with glorious folkish sections. "I will hunt these weak infidels, my people's souls must be given their rest, they must be given their rest. I WILL HUUUUUNNNNTTTTT!"

Most extreme metal vocalists can only dream of being this good.
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