Black Metal.

I'm coming near the tail end of my Norwegian second wave black metal marathon, I've gotten in Darkthrone, Enslaved, Burzum, Mayhem, Ildjarn, Immortal, and soon will have Emperor and Ulver in. It was quite a good day.
Early Satyricon. I cant listen to Now, Diabolical without thinking how much better Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina is.

I love Taake, Dimmu Borgir, and Darkthrone aswell.
Early Satyricon. I cant listen to Now, Diabolical without thinking how much better Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina is.

I love Taake, Dimmu Borgir, and Darkthrone aswell.

Taake is really good, or at least the first album is. Taake always covered for me what Burzum did not not do for me.
Early Satyricon. I cant listen to Now, Diabolical without thinking how much better Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina is.

I love Taake, Dimmu Borgir, and Darkthrone aswell.
Those records saeem to be better overall than Now, Diabolical tohugh Now, Diabolical has a couple great songs. Have you heard Rebel Extravaganza? If so, what did you think of it?
After seeing Leicohtica live I was highly impressed with their stage presence and the musicianship but the sound was pretty bad (first band on for the night in the longest set I have witnessed on one stage), however after checking out their recordings more I am being taken by them and their three vocalist style, just wondering what you guys think.
Anyone else like Black Metal, im into the more popular bands such as 1349, Darkthrone, Dark Funearl, Gorgoroth and Dimmu Borgir.
I'll never forget the night I saw 1349 live in manchester, one of the best gigs ever, and when Enslaved were on the lead singer looks straight at me and gives the horns which was wicked.
Theres just something about Black Metal that makes it unique from any other genre, and I'd probobally be lost without it.
My favorite bands that could be considered black metal are Dark Fortress and Silencer
Well I now like Burzum again.

I can see that kind of cycle happening. With a limited number of songs to listen to, I suppose it's easy to burn out on Burzum if you listen to it frequently. Then you put him away for a while, but when you come back some months later, it's fresh again. Does this describe you?
Those records saeem to be better overall than Now, Diabolical tohugh Now, Diabolical has a couple great songs. Have you heard Rebel Extravaganza? If so, what did you think of it?

I just bought it a few days ago, ive listened to it in breif spurts due to me trying to concentrate on work, but "Havoc Vulture" and "Rhapsody in Filth" are pretty damned sweet.
I can see that kind of cycle happening. With a limited number of songs to listen to, I suppose it's easy to burn out on Burzum if you listen to it frequently. Then you put him away for a while, but when you come back some months later, it's fresh again. Does this describe you?

Yup. I dont find all of his work amazing. Its good for Black Metal but it is not a masterpiece to me.