Black Metal.

My favorite is Spirit The Earth Aflame and second favorite would probably be The Gathering Wilderness.

@MOL, well USBM fanboy ;) can't expect you to like something so good.
I listened to Marduk's World Funeral CD and I like it better than Romans 5:12 overall, what do you think of World Funeral and how it compares to Romans 5:12?
Maybe avoid The Gathering Wilderness to start. It did absolutely nothing for me, even though everyone got a boner over it when it came out.
Weird, I started from The Gathering Wilderness and it sounded awesome for me, and still is one of the favorite by them.
Mathiäs;7107978 said:
I think both albums are boring as fucking shit.

I'm a huge Marduk fan, these are quite different albums,and I like them both. World Funeral is a lot more straight, aggressive work. Rom 5:12 has some experiments, interesting stuff IMO.

Saw them live last week (Friday, march 21st), great gig. A little too short of a set, though. A problem IMO was the new drummer, not as good as old Emil Dragutinovic :kickass: