Black Metal.

Duplicate post from np:


Everyone who is into good Black Metal should pick this up. It is fucking brilliant. One of my favorite Black Metal albums I have heard recently. The atmosphere is top notch. Very eerie. It sounds like it was recorded in some sort of creepy cellar or something.
I just downloaded Tormentor's Anno Domini and the song "Countess Bathory" in particular is one of the best things I have ever heard in my life. Attila Csihar rules.
I've really come to appreciate Watain more lately, especially Casus Luciferi. I've still yet to hear the latest one, though I'm already prepared for a sharp decline in quality based on everything I've heard about it.

It is but I enjoy it quite a bit. It's a nice balance between a "cold" black metal sound and a rockish vibe. Good stuff.
Can someone give a generally-accepted definition of modern "orthodox" Black Metal? I've heard the label thrown over bands like DsO, Antaeus, Watain, and Behexen with their latest. Yet I've also heard it used for Countess, which sounds rather different from the former. Is there a specific element of the sound or is it a more ideological/lyrical matter?
I believe the latter is accurate, the lyrical themes, ideology, and possible spiritual-nonsense is what makes an "orthodox" black metal band along with the necessity of playing tr00, kvlt black metal. I really don't care to be honest, and to define bands based on things like that is just a matter of 'whatever' to me.

On a lot of French black metal bands' myspace pages, the bands often listed as "black metal / religious." It's quite trendy these days but whatever. :)
It's a stupid label for a bunch of bands who play black metal. Countess was called orthodox black metal way before any of those bands.
Belenos' Spicilege.. wow what a album. Anyone else like it? Whats the rest of their discography like?

love this band. his whole discography is great. My personal favorite is Errances Oniriques.

Yea, just about everything is great. I have not heard the newest, but I feel the one before than was a bit weaker than past material, but by no means bad. I second Errances Oniriques being great. The albums can be tough to get a hold of. I got mine off of Loïc a while back and he told me then that he did not have any copies of Errances Oniriques left after the one he sold me.
I suppose those would be "unorthodox" black metal bands?

I think they're called orthodox because unlike the original 1st and 2nd wave BM bands, they actually take Satanism seriously. Hence the "religious" label. Most likely the band members were Satanists before they started playing Metal, and then it became trendy to take up the religion after the fact.
"Orthodox" the way it's understood in Black Metal today means Orthodox Satanism. Orlok used to term to mean Orthodox Black Metal, referring to the roots of the Black Metal movement and indirectly their usage of Satanism, rather than the religious Satanism found in the lyrics of a bunch of gay bands today.