Black Metal.

Well people sure know about black metal and death metal on this site. Thats no lie. Zaroff fucked me over when I said SFU was awsome. He was like. Heres some bands that kick there ass. And well. Moments later he had to flip but he won the argument anyway not like it completely is relevant to this discussion. But this forum has good taste in black metal and death as far as i know. Pagan metal too. These guys know their pagan metal. As far as power goes. Power is meaningless to discuss and so is thrash and grind. Only so few bands that are worth mentioning in those genres.
I was never truly into black metal. It's very interesting but I only like a portion of it. I'm not totally into all the bands people consider good. And I can't argue about how good bands are in Black Metal becuase I've just started listening to black metal last year. I'm still a bit new to the genre.
What kind of stuff are you looking for? I am sure I can direct you to some good stuff. Obviously, start with the classics from Norway before digging else where.
I am familiar with the very known bands like Tsjuder, Dark Funeral, 1349, Carpathian Forest, Marduk, Immortal, Emperor, etc... Maybe some underground bands. In fact just list the ones you know of.
Well, I know quite a bit of black metal bands so just listing bands would be kind of pointless and I doubt you would dig some of my favorites. I'll stick with naming some bands similar to the bands you listed and your exposure to the genre.

Old Deathspell Omega
Arch Goat
Destroyer 666
Blut Aus Nord
Celtic Frost
Cult of Daath

Kind of a shitty list, tbh. I kind of strung names together that you might dig. All of those are good but my favorites lay in the much more obscure and fucked-up section of the genre, thus you don't want to hear those. There are a ton more that I should list that maybe I will do later.
Did you know the vocalist from Gorgorth tortured some guy and made them drink their blood or something like that. I don't exactly remember the details but it was fucking brutal thats for sure.
I don't think that actually happened and it is more of a media hype thing but Gaahl is certainly a strange guy. I suggest you watch the VBS.TV documentary on him.

Fuck, I looked up Peste Noire in the forum search and saw the post about it. Is it good?

Also, what's with the line-up now?

La sale Famine de Valfunde: Guitars, voices, harmonica
A.Julia : Drums
Sainte Audrey-Yolande de la Molteverge : Rock and soprano voices, piano, orguamon
Ragondin : Bass
They never tried to sell anything that wasn't their own original music. I would be more eager to hear the new stuff if I didn't suspect that it was all ambient.

It's not. I heard some of the samples and there was some almost Sunn 0)))-but-faster like guitar riffs. I am sure there will be a few black metal songs or sections of the compositions will be black metal based, but of course it is all in the air at this point.
Talked about wolves in the throne room a couple pages back, I think the consensus was that the album Two Hunters(Which i loved) was good but everything else is crap?