Black Metal.

You like everything on a superficial level.

I'm listening to the samples now. They sound better than the few things I've heard from later Gorgoroth albums, but I'm not sure how much I like it. The production is a little too clean, and it sounds a bit more death metal. I would have to hear more if I was going to buy it.

People who don't suck: Is Destroyer worth getting?

It's very inconsistent (probably due to the constant line-up change throughout the album) but it's not bad, I guess.
^^my favorite track off that album

That's one of the very few black metal albums that can actually make me pissed off. It has this dirty, sweaty, thick sound that no other black metal band has, considering its a naturally "cold" genre. Awesome stuff.
So I noticed on RYM something about the new Necros Christos being schedule for 2009, anyone know anything about this?
That's one of the very few black metal albums that can actually make me pissed off. It has this dirty, sweaty, thick sound that no other black metal band has, considering its a naturally "cold" genre. Awesome stuff.
Maybe because it's not really black metal?

On another note, I've been enjoying Shining lately, having turned up III and V. Is that demos record worth getting?