Black Metal.

I seen their name quite a few times, but never listened to them until about a month ago and until now. I just beem blown away by then. I truly enjoy them.

Oh, yes, Sabbathical Flesh Possession. Very, very impressive. For some reason though, I enjoyed Sublimation XXIXA a little bit more.

Sabbathical's prod is shit, but IMO it sort of gives it a good feel. Sublimation is great, I have yet to hear thier latest though.
I agree with Srontgorrth with lacking french bm. Blut Aus Nord, DsO, Antaeus, thier industrial stuff, etc. All very good. Also if you like Dead Congregation and Vorkreist you may like Arkhon Infaustus and Bliss of Flesh.
You lack French bm :( Go listen to some Blut Aus Nord! I suggest starting with The Work Which Transforms God or their most recent album Memoria Vetusta II.

I do lack it, but I have not named all the bands I like. There are a few. But, lacking is correct. I will take your reccommendation.

Episteme, I always thought they kind of were. I guess I am wrong, sorry about that.

krampus, I like a few. I know not too many, but the ones I have listened to is Trancelike Void and Amesoeurs. I guess, you would consider them. I have only heard like 2 songs from each, but I do enjoy them. This guy who used to live by me, that gave guitar lessons, reccommended me them.

And billy100002, I have not listened to any of their new things either. Like I said, I been listening to Zyklon B lately.
Don't be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry about. Just an honest mistake. Do you like any AusBM?

For Australian BM: Check out Naxzul, Austere, Striborg, Mhorgl, Abyssic Hate, Ne Obliviscaris, I'm pretty sure I'm missing out on alot of bands anyone feel free to chip in.
Oh, alright. I don't know why I always considered them that. What are they then? I hope I am not sounding stupid and I always can Google it, but I thought I would ask.

I do, I do. I am a big fan of Naxzul (Totem was a great album) and Austere. The only other ones I can think of are Abominato, Horde, and The Furor. I don't know too many, but some.
Oh, alright. Thank you billy100002. It will probably make more sense to me now since I know the right placement of them and their music.
Oh, alright. I don't know why I always considered them that. What are they then? I hope I am not sounding stupid and I always can Google it, but I thought I would ask.

I do, I do. I am a big fan of Naxzul (Totem was a great album) and Austere. The only other ones I can think of are Abominato, Horde, and The Furor. I don't know too many, but some.

What billy said.

The Furor are from my town, they're on indefinite hiatus because they can't find another guitar player and their drummer/vocalist Louis Rando is busy with other bands. He's touring with Nervecell (not black metal, more like death/thrash from the United Arab Emirates) at the moment and also drums for Mhorgl.

Mhorgl will be awesome if you like The Furor, very furious, all over the place black metal. We've played a few shows with them and they're all really great guys. Mhorgl will be releasing their 2nd album on May 15th which I think will be one of the better West Australian metal releases this year.
What billy said.

The Furor are from my town, they're on indefinite hiatus because they can't find another guitar player and their drummer/vocalist Louis Rando is busy with other bands. He's touring with Nervecell (not black metal, more like death/thrash from the United Arab Emirates) at the moment and also drums for Mhorgl.

Mhorgl will be awesome if you like The Furor, very furious, all over the place black metal. We've played a few shows with them and they're all really great guys. Mhorgl will be releasing their 2nd album on May 15th which I think will be one of the better West Australian metal releases this year.

Oh, that is neat Episteme. There is not too many bands that say they are from Lorain, Ohio. I wish they did. And I have only been on here for a couple months and I don't know everyone, but you have a band and you have played with them? Awesome. I do like The Furor, by the way. I will look into Mhorgl, thanks.
Nice. I will have to check them out. I still reside as a myspacer. A lot of people have converted to facebook (although, I have one of those too. I have no life, I swear). Anyways, enough of that.

That is awesome that you and your band are dedicated. A lot of bands out here (that I know), just do it to say they are in a band. I hate it. There are like a handful that I do know of and like, that are dedicated and about the music.
I keep spewing their name all over here but I really recommend Be Persecuted, who are from China. Their vocalist is female and she sounds like Varg sometimes. Very bleak stuff, recommended album is "I.I" As for further bleakness I like "The Insignificance of Life" by Anti and "Il Etait Une Foret" by Gris, and Paysage d'Hiver are bleak as heck.
I know a whopping grand total of two mainland Chinese metal bands, and one of them is Tang Dynasty who are not black metal at all but are AWESOME NWOBHM-ish with traditional Chinese instruments. The other one is Be Persecuted.