Black Metal.

My favourite song is "Bloodied Yet Unbowed", which pretty much could fit right in on the epic and anthemic The Gathering Wilderness.

Same here, I really like that song. No Grave deep enough and Lain with the Wolf are also great tunes. Solid album imo, but I don't really see them as a BM band.
(Apologies if this is buried elsewhere in this thread).

So has anyone checked out the Negura Bunget "Focul Viu" live DVD yet?


It has the REAL Negura Bunget, i.e. the real line-up with Huppogrammos and Sol Faur, not this new shitty bastardisation that Negru has subbornly created.

The filming leaves a bit to be desired, but the audio quality is superb. Any fan of the band has no reason not to purchase a copy. There are parts of the performance which make your skin crawl - seeing it live really makes you appreciate just how superb they really are (and how awesome Dordeduh's debut album will be).

Here's a trailer:

EDIT: I have to add - the vocal performances, especially of Huppogrammos, are just outstanding. He's an awesome black metal vocalist.

Kvlt post bro. I saw Negura a couple of times with the old line up and a couple of times with the new line up, first time with the new line up was my favourite show. That new guy Corb (i think) is a fucking excellent vocalist too, although I think he's left now or something.

None of the Dordeduh EP was as good as the best songs off Virstele either, IMO, although Om is superior to both of them. Obviously it's hard to make a comparison until Dordeduh releases a full length, but hXc NB fans (not necessarily suggesting that you are one of these people) that completely write off the new NB line up and fellate Dordeduh despite them only having released 2 songs are pretty silly IMO. Typical case of "oh older is better."

Ofc fair game if one stylistically prefers old NB to the post-Om material, I do too, but all this shit about them suddenly becoming useless with the new line up (again I'm not saying this is you) is quite frankly ridiculous. I'd even wager that Virstele was a more natural NB release than the Dordeduh EP. It's clear that Negru was very involved in the writing all along and it wasn't just Hupogrammos and/or Sol Faur carrying the band.

HAVING said all this, the new NB EP sounds fairly worthless from a couple of brief listens.

Regarding Primordial's new release, it's still holding up for me after 10+ plays. AA's delivery is pretty obnoxious at times, but fantastic at others. Lyrically I find it very compelling though, he has matched his previous efforts there. The two seemingly popular tracks (No Grave Deep Enough and Bloodied Yet Unbowed) are actually my least favourite on the album, tbh. The first I feel is just really derivative, and the second is okay but again kinda forced. Lain With the Wolf is fucking incredible, as is The Mouth of Judas. The mid-late section in the latter where it briefly modulates to a major-ish key for a while is so damn awesome, moves me every time. God's Old Snake is a bit annoying musically but I like a few of the riffs and fucking love the lyrics/concept (I think, hahah).

"If there is a watcher under the earth
Wake him from his fateless sleep"

is badass.
Oh, I had my first real experience with Negura Bunget yesterday, I got their latest album with not a lot of expectations. For some reason I never really dug what I heard through youtube etc. but I kept getting pulled towards them for some reason, and fuck they kick ass. What are their best albums?
For me, 'n Crugu Bradului is #1, followed by Om #2, Virstele Pamintului and Maiestrit ~#3. Virstele is quite different to the others (being a different line up and all) but still stands up as a great release for me. It's probably the most "accessible" album.

Cunuoasterea Tacuta is basically "the" Negura Bunget song, check it out if you haven't heard it. From the Om album. You can't actually go far wrong checking out the Focul Viu setlist either, tbh. Great choice of songs.

EDIT: Ah sorry didn't notice you got the most recent album (Virstele Pamintului or the EP?). Probably just work backwards from there, in that case (by work backwards I mean Om -> 'n Crugu -> Maiestrit, as in terms of material Maiestrit is the earliest album in those three - it's a rerecording of Maiastru Sfetnic). These might take a little longer to digest - they are fucking dense records.
If you want somthing fucked up Diapsiquir's A.N.T.I. is great. Other than that I havn't really been listening to black metal.
pensees nocturnes ftl

> Greetings,
> Despite your reservation, "Ceci est de la Musique" proves to be soldout
> today. Obvious lack of organisation and anticipation against a demand I
> did not expected, I can only apologize for this inconvenience. For the
> moment I have not forseen to press it again but be sure to be the first
> to know if that is the case.
> I take advantage of this mail to confirm that a fake version of "Ceci
> est de la Musique", which is actually just Grotesque, is spreading on
> the internet. A simple listening to the medley allows to face the fact
> about its nature.
> I thank you for your interest and apologize again,
> Vaerohn

my response,

I can't help but express my disgruntlement with all of this, as many others feel the same. I don't understand the philosophy behind your decision to have such limited releases and fight the corporations and their incorrigible ways of tricking us all. Why waste so much incredible musical/compositional talent when you have a large fan base that is willing to pay good money to hear and receive your music? I figure the best way to promote an ideal is to get it out there as much as possible. Also it seems you have a lot of vehemence towards your albums being leaked, but what do you expect when Vacuum is absolutely impossible to get, and the same with Ceci? If you shun 90% of your fan base this provides no positive place for them to be at, and if they even care enough anymore they will of course access your music through whatever means necessary. You may just see your musical expression as a means to fulfill primarily your own inner goals and desires, which could account for why you insist on having such a limited merchandise. Regardless, I don't want to seem disparaging at all, I completely admire what you do for music and being a professional musician myself, you inspire me with your incredible ventures. I just hope that you may see that it is to everyone's benefit that Pensees Nocturnes can have the full light it deserves to be shone upon it! All the best,