Black Metal.

I just can't find anything besides Burzum truly brilliant. It's something around the music and the aura of Varg Vikernes that keeps me enchanted. Kinda silly I guess...
Picked up Stiny Plamenu - Mrtva Komora after youtubing a few tracks... seemed pretty interesting. It's the only straightforward black metal album I've bought for a while and it had me wondering about similar stuff. Anyone?
Nice Krow, love me some Stiny Plamenu. Lord Morbivod, the vocalist of Stiny Plamenu, also does vocals for Trollech, but they don't really sound anything like Stiny Plamenu. Trollech are really good though. Try some Cirith Gorgor or Gjenferdsel maybe?
They should put out the Autumnal Winds - Embraced by the Ancient/Reflections of Astral Light compilation as well.
finds for the day

Ash Borer

Around the 3 minute mark it kicks into high gear and is damn solid from there on out

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