Black Metal

Originally posted by markgugs
Right, I'm not a pretend necro/kvlt wannabee who still lives with my parents, so therefore, mentioning a non-necro/kvlt black metal band is cause for expulsion from the club. Oh well, darn.

Actually, it is just stupid to mention NON-black metal bands in a thread about black metal bands. Usually in a thread called Black metal people would like to discuss black metal bands.
Sorry Mac, I don't have to play by your rules. I can, will and often do whatever it is that I want. If you personally feel insulted by this, well what can I say? Get help.

If it offends your sense of all that is right and just in this world, what can I say? Get help.

If it's simply that you feel I don't know shit about black metal, hey, you're allowed to feel that way (and for the record, I mentioned occasionally most of the bands that weren't really black). The true fact (the only true I care about, btw) is that I've been around the block long enough to know my music. Being elitist with me will get you nowhere. You may now carry on being grim.
Well, at the risk of extending this yawnfest of a debate, it is well-known that Borknagar began with primarily black metal leanings, though no one (myself included) ever called them a straight black metal band.

Watch how well-behaved I'm being: Have you listened to their first 2 CDs? They're much closer to black metal than anything else (and no, I don't go by the "inner circle" black metal definitions). They're far more progressive of late though. See? No insults.
Sure that's how black metal began, with the "inner circle" I alluded to. But to me (and most others, just not the tr00 crowd), black metal is a style of music and nothing more. Based on those rigid definitions, I could form a Christian band and lay down the most blistering ever black metal album that mirrored 'Des Mysteriis Dom Sathanas' or 'Under A Funeral Moon' to the last note, yet it wouldn't be considering black metal. See my point about that being silly?

That's actually a pretty cool article/column you sent, but I still will agree to disagree.
yeah i see but you still called a viking metal band black metal. and if i was in a viking metal band and was called black metal i would be annoyed. i just thought it was a lack of respect to a band i like so i defended that band and tried to shut down your use of the word "criditability". see my point?
[genre nazi on]For the record, I'm hard-pressed to think of a viking metal band that didn't begin as a black metal band. For all intents & purposes, viking metal is a subgenre of black metal anyway. See: Bathory.[/genre nazi off]

And moreover, the person writing that column at RagingMetal provided a list of albums that one could begin with to hear some black metal based on his "rationale." Some of them are not black metal and are in fact far more traditionally viking and/or pagan in style and sound (i.e. Graveland, Morrigan, Bathory's middle-level stuff, etc.). This is why I don't have the black metal/non-black metal debate, it's endless.

It's also why I said "I don't give a fuck" ;) Cheers.
Originally posted by markgugs
[genre nazi on]For the record, I'm hard-pressed to think of a viking metal band that didn't begin as a black metal band. For all intents & purposes, viking metal is a subgenre of black metal anyway. See: Bathory.[/genre nazi off]

And moreover, the person writing that column at RagingMetal provided a list of albums that one could begin with to hear some black metal based on his "rationale." Some of them are not black metal and are in fact far more traditionally viking and/or pagan in style and sound (i.e. Graveland, Morrigan, Bathory's middle-level stuff, etc.). This is why I don't have the black metal/non-black metal debate, it's endless.

It's also why I said "I don't give a fuck" ;) Cheers.
I dont think viking metal is a subgenre of black metal at all. Nordland sounds nothing like black metal.

off subject but ive heard people say opeth is blackish progressive metal. that was interesting..
Originally posted by markgugs
Sorry Mac, I don't have to play by your rules. I can, will and often do whatever it is that I want. If you personally feel insulted by this, well what can I say? Get help.

If it offends your sense of all that is right and just in this world, what can I say? Get help.

If it's simply that you feel I don't know shit about black metal, hey, you're allowed to feel that way (and for the record, I mentioned occasionally most of the bands that weren't really black). The true fact (the only true I care about, btw) is that I've been around the block long enough to know my music. Being elitist with me will get you nowhere. You may now carry on being grim.

No, it doesn't offend me. I'm just here to correct the mistakes some people make, like calling non-black metal bands black metal.

Anyways, no viking metal is not a sub-genre of black metal nor is it the other way around. Some viking metal just tends to become black metallish since christiany practically eliminated the lifestyle and religion of vikings and nowadays christianized society is quite the opposite of the viking society.
Originally posted by SlayerizedCorpse
What are some good black metal albums, here are the ones i have

sorry guys but, i like Cradle of Filth
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast
Cradle of Filth - Live Bait For The Dead
Cradle of Filth - Lovecraft and Witch Hearts
Cradle of Filth - Bitter Suites to Succubi
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimension
Immortal - Sons Of The Northern Darkness (sp?)
Old Mans Child - Ill-Natured Spiritual invasion

Wait wait wait i know i know, but i am a poor bastard and just spend like 150$, which is like all of my money on gifts for friends.. But when i get 17.53 USd's i will run our and buy Emperor's 9 Equilibrium
Pure Holocaust (Immortal)
Vobiscum Satanas (Dark Funeral)
Far Away from the Sun (Sacramentum)
A Blaze in the Northern Sky (Darkthrone)
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Mayhem)
Whats with the "who still lives with my parents"? What exactly are you getting at?

funny thing is i heard fenriz from darkthrone lives with his parents.

Macmoney you seem to think every band anyone mentions isnt black metal what is with this Tr00 elitist attitude i can see why some of them arnt black metal but sometimes you get too carryed away.

anyway soem good black metal albums are:
emperor - nightside and anthems (incredibly powerful and amazing), Darkthrone - blaze in northern sky (amazing true black metal), immortal - heart of winter and northern darkness (fantastic albums) taake - bjoergvin (flawless very atmospheric)

finally if this last one aint black metal what is it Dimmu borgir - enthrone darkness triumphant (this is a great great album)

try listening to EDT when stoned its a phenomonal experience