Black Metal

Originally posted by CorpseDust
Blown out of proportion? fucking hell
its ok that you dislike norway but every fucking post i see from you is something negative about my country or rather the bands from here. and frankly you are pissing me off to the bitter end
you little fuckfaced powerdmetal fruit sitting there juding metal,
and yeah Winter and Forest is a part of black metal either your finnish ass likes it or not
its ok that you want to belive that you are the truest black metal fan there is, but frankly your just getting old and the whole trend you fucking retards have about saying how a band sell out how a band changed style and how a band suck now a days is just fucking up the metal scene
ok you respect venom bathory etc.. i do too
but black metal would neither be nothing without norway or sweden
man i miss when there where metal heads not fucked up geeks doing nothing but sitting behind their pc juding metal and downloading songs

Long live the forest , long live the winter
long live norwegian black metal

It is nice how you can talk so much and still not form one coherent argument. Say something relevant or shut up.

And I am not anti-Norway. I just recent the fact that everyone fellates the norwegian scene to no end although it has produced endless amounts of crap and there are other good places for black metal too.

Bathory...VERY forest/winter/Norway in general oriented.

Since when? Of course the viking albums are but they aren't black metal.

Also, it is the more anti-christian sides of the things. Forest is anti-christian because it is customary in the forest areas where romantics think that the old pagan ways still reside. Also christianity is more centered in the crowded and urban areas of the place, so foresty areas get left alone.

And winter on the other hand is drawn into it because of the coldness and darkness which are the anti-thesis of warmth and light which are associated with christianity.
Oh god.... One reading some of these idiotic replies/flaming directed at MacMoney (who seems to be the only one here who knows what is what), would clearly see the EXACT reasons why Black metal movement was essentially killed off (sometime around 96-97 period I'd say). Winter snow frost, stupid "pagan" fjord, and here's a fuckin' brook streaming where mighty vikings piss into...bla bla bla bla

One of the few surviving bands called MYSTIFIER live in South American jungle and don't need "pagans", winters, frost and similar nonsence to make 100% pure black metal music. Nice to see that such bands still do exist (albeit, in a tiny minority) and know what the Black metal is all about. All power to them for another 12 years to come. That's all.

Originally posted by Dodens Grav
Bathory IS Black Metal, and Anti-Christianity is not the only part of Black Metal ideology. Forests are not recognized only for Pagan relations, although it is largely connected due to its spiritual energy. It is also due to its sheer beauty, which hold true with the Winter correlations as well. You seem to think they're only present because of hidden symbolic meanings of Anti-Judeo Christianity, but it's just not so. Those anecdotes are more or less side notes added by other people along the way. Venom, Celtic Frost, and Bathory were all Black Metal. That's not to say that's all that they were, but thet were certainly Black Metal.

Black metal certainly is not about the visual beauty of winter or forest. It is time you should realize that black metal as a genre is centered on anti-Judeo Christianity, nothing more nothing less. All this forest and winter bullshit got tagged into it later on. Just like someone could say that this or that band is heavy metal because they have a glam image.

You do not need to feel anything to create Black Metal. Black Metal is possibly the simplest genre of music to master. The music is incredibly generic in what you consider 'Tr00 Black Metal,' and the lyrics can be very easilly written. Black Metal is not an impressive genre when it comes down to what can be called 'Tr00' to you in my opinion. Playing the same riff over and over again with incredible distortions and screaming blashemy; basic Black Metal song. Basically, you don't NEED anything fro Black Metal. You don't need the forest, you don't need winter, you don't need pagan ideals, you DON'T need Anti-Judeo Christianity. No matter how surprising that may sound, it's true. It's not my fault you have such a strict and closed minded view on Black Metal.

This is just a load of bullshit sprouted by superficial people. Black metal goes deeper than just the music that is played. And now when someone comes sprouting their idiocy by how a genre can't be defined by lyrics, black metal is not defined by lyrics. It is defined by the ideology that is audible in the music and in the lyrics. Your generalization reveals how little you actually do know of black metal.

Also, tell me why MacMoney used Bathory as a reference to early Black Metal that does not relate to forests and such in their lyrics, which they do, and then later states that they are NOT Black Metal. I just found that little note rather humorous how Bathory is and is not Black Metal at convenient times.

You can't really be this deaf or have you ever heard any Bathory? They were black metal up to Blood, Fire and Death though there was definite viking influence on that album already.
neat thread......tho' a question for all the tr00 black metal fans out there :
Is emporer really BM ?? I mean the earlier works of theirs are o k ... but prometheus ..... even nightside eclipse ??? difficult to classify '
I would say theres two diffrent style in metal

One black and one red

You start at Black Sabbath then split into either Heavy/Trash/Speed Metal thats the black one
The red one is Hair and New age metal
Black evolves into Black, Death etc,etc
while red become
:mad: "power metal" :mad:

and lets just say that the Black box ownz the red box and then we can carry on being pal's :)
Originally posted by Dodens Grav
You do not need to feel anything to create Black Metal. Black Metal is possibly the simplest genre of music to master. The music is incredibly generic in what you consider 'Tr00 Black Metal,' and the lyrics can be very easilly written. Black Metal is not an impressive genre when it comes down to what can be called 'Tr00' to you in my opinion.

First of all, whoever came up of all this "tr00", "kvlt", etc. nonsence is either CoF fan, or lacks intelligence. Either the band plays Black Metal, or it does not. Pure and simple. Either you are an orange or you are a cucumber.

Secondly, Black Metal as a movement existed for 23+ years. There were more than plenty of different musical styles/directions Black Metal took during this time span. Same goes for a lyrical approach (for example MERCYFUL FATE lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with, say, IRON ANGEL or AGRESSOR which were in term taotally different from likes of ROOT). To say all these bands were "similar", "generic" or "simple", is simply shallow to put it mildly. What do you know about BM movement, maybe you can share some of your knowledge.

Also, tell me why MacMoney used Bathory as a reference to early Black Metal that does not relate to forests and such in their lyrics, which they do, and then later states that they are NOT Black Metal.

I would have told gladly, but I'm afraid MacMoney has already answered it for me and has hit the nail in da forehead.:D

Venom was basically the first Black Metal band, and yet all of their lyrics were lies and bullshit.

Ahh, but they weren't first! They were some 2 years too late. As far as their lyrics being "bullshit", I'll offer no comment.
Originally posted by sigilofbaphomet
neat thread......tho' a question for all the tr00 black metal fans out there :
Is emporer really BM ?? I mean the earlier works of theirs are o k ... but prometheus ..... even nightside eclipse ??? difficult to classify '

Bsically, it's a rule-of-thumb here: When Mortiis was still writing the lyrics and Faust was still drumming, EMPEROR was indeed a BM band. Post-"Nightside Eclipse" material is hardly BM at all, with the possible exception of 1 song in "REVERENCE" EP ("In longing spirit") for the reasons above.
Must every "TRUE" black metal record have necro sound that fucking makes my ears bleed, guitar churned through 5 metal zones, drums given likewise treatment and some pathetic lyrics about raping the corpse of christ? The whole genre seems to become a parody of itself sometimes. All the bullshit lyrics about christianitys downfall and worshipping satan are about as intellectually stimulating as a song from Snoop Doggy Dogg. No, give me some lyrics with intelligent points and music that the musicians actually spent time writing, and I`ll listen. I guess that`s what Dimmu Borgir are hated for doing. Fuck this debate about true or not.
Also, tell me why MacMoney used Bathory as a reference to early Black Metal that does not relate to forests and such in their lyrics, which they do, and then later states that they are NOT Black Metal.
Please state ONE Bathory song from the black metal period that involves forests or any kind of nature mysticism/romanticism? Hint: there are none. What you do not comprehend is that none of Bathory's music released after "Blood Fire Death" is even remotely related to black metal. This is unquestionable.

Fuck this debate about true or not.
How ironic then that you feel you must share your inane and uninformed opinion about it.
Originally posted by Harp Heaven
Must every "TRUE" black metal record have necro sound that fucking makes my ears bleed, guitar churned through 5 metal zones, drums given likewise treatment and some pathetic lyrics about raping the corpse of christ? The whole genre seems to become a parody of itself sometimes. All the bullshit lyrics about christianitys downfall and worshipping satan are about as intellectually stimulating as a song from Snoop Doggy Dogg. No, give me some lyrics with intelligent points and music that the musicians actually spent time writing, and I`ll listen. I guess that`s what Dimmu Borgir are hated for doing. Fuck this debate about true or not.

Please, explore the genre before making such ignorant statements.
Please, explore the genre before making such ignorant statements.
Believe me, I have. In my time when I used to play keys in a melodic death metal band, I was exposed to a lot of black metal bands, as some of the members were into that kinda stuff. I`ve listened to Darkthrone, Burzum, Celtic Frost, Venom among lots of others. Some of these I like, such as CF and Venom. Others I despise, like Burzum(I heard a live record of Varg and company, fucking awful...).

Sorry for ranting like I did above though. I`m not as versed in the genre as you guys are. I think I just got pissed off at seeing a good number of bands I love being slagged as "untrue" and bands I just think are god awful(read: necro black metal)being hailed as true black metal. But then, your taste is your own. Sorry for intruding on your personal battleground. I`ll let you guys fight like true warriors now.
Sorry for ranting like I did above though. I`m not as versed in the genre as you guys are. I think I just got pissed off at seeing a good number of bands I love being slagged as "untrue" and bands I just think are god awful(read: necro black metal)being hailed as true black metal. But then, your taste is your own. Sorry for intruding on your personal battleground. I`ll let you guys fight like true warriors now.

Not being black metal does not make a band bad, neither does being untrue whatever that means.
Grishnackh: Earlyer I didn't need any other members to do BURZUM. Now I got Hellhammer on drums for 3rd lp (and beyond). After third lp we will look for a bass player, a second guitarist and a synth player for live performance... It'll be fucking hard to find suitable members."
Have you already planned your stage show?
Grishnackh: "Yes, it will be a dark depressive live show! No fun, no mosh. Trend folk will be bored to death seing BURZUM live. We are no fun."

This never happened. Burzum never played live. Burzum never played live. You've probably said more than your share of dumb things in this thread already, so please do not argue with me again when I say what I know, which is that Burzum DID NOT play LIVE. Ever.
Originally posted by Dodens Grav
It's the eye of the beholder as to what is stupid. Nothing I said in this thread I consider stupid. Burzum may not have played in any venues, but there are recordings of Burzum in front of people (whether it be a group of friends or an actual audience doesn't matter) where they are cheering.

Before flaunting such things, think a bit. There are no bootlegs floating around. For a band as revolutionizing as Burzum, their bootlegs should be all over the place, but they aren't. In addition, Burzum never had an actual line-up. But please, back up your statement with facts, if you can.