Black Sabbath - I don't get it

I've always questioned that Black Sabbath was first....They became metal as their career went on....Many other bands and artists that were formed well before Sabbath like Deep Purple, UFO, and Alice Cooper became "metal" during parts of their careers as well....I think many people view Sabbath as the first because the mass media/industry has said so....Too many people in the public-at-large take what the media says as fact and end it at that.
Listen to the song Black Sabbath. Then tell me that it's not fucking metal.
Alice Cooper, UFO, Deep Purple, all fun stuff, but compared to Black Sabbath it's pussy metal.
I am not saying it isn't metal, I am saying it is very boring metal. Some use apologetics to make up for Black Sabbath's lack of energy (being a bunch of pill popping, perpetually doped-up euro-trash, they sure did not have much energy to spare), often saying that Black Sabbath was the blueprint band of doom metal but that is just nonsense.

Slow =/= boring.
I am not saying it isn't metal, I am saying it is very boring metal. Some use apologetics to make up for Black Sabbath's lack of energy (being a bunch of pill popping, perpetually doped-up euro-trash, they sure did not have much energy to spare), often saying that Black Sabbath was the blueprint band of doom metal but that is just nonsense.

go away
I am not saying it isn't metal, I am saying it is very boring metal. Some use apologetics to make up for Black Sabbath's lack of energy (being a bunch of pill popping, perpetually doped-up euro-trash, they sure did not have much energy to spare), often saying that Black Sabbath was the blueprint band of doom metal but that is just nonsense.

Do you actually listen to metal?

Or you're wrong... there's that option too.

Black Sabbath is not contemporary metal, so you can't judge them as if they were. You have to take them in the context in which they existed. They were the first band to even think about metal, so you have to give them some sort of respect just for basically creating the genre. If you don't like them, fine, but if you listen to metal, it's pretty much just wrong to bash them.
As for their talent, you have to take song writing into account when looking at a band's talent, and Sabbath was one of the greatest bands ever in that respect. How many Sabbath songs have legendary guitar riffs that you will always remember? Not only that, but Tony Iommi was a great guitarist and you have to remember that he did everything without some of his fingers.
Ozzy, obviously, was an excellent vocalist. Geezer and Ward weren't too bad on their part either.
Or you're wrong... there's that option too.

Black Sabbath is not contemporary metal, so you can't judge them as if they were. You have to take them in the context in which they existed. They were the first band to even think about metal, so you have to give them some sort of respect just for basically creating the genre. If you don't like them, fine, but if you listen to metal, it's pretty much just wrong to bash them.
As for their talent, you have to take song writing into account when looking at a band's talent, and Sabbath was one of the greatest bands ever in that respect. How many Sabbath songs have legendary guitar riffs that you will always remember? Not only that, but Tony Iommi was a great guitarist and you have to remember that he did everything without some of his fingers.
Ozzy, obviously, was an excellent vocalist. Geezer and Ward weren't too bad on their part either.
Ahh, Ward. I swear to god, Rat Salad stomps my ass over and over.
I am not saying it isn't metal, I am saying it is very boring metal. Some use apologetics to make up for Black Sabbath's lack of energy (being a bunch of pill popping, perpetually doped-up euro-trash, they sure did not have much energy to spare), often saying that Black Sabbath was the blueprint band of doom metal but that is just nonsense.

WTF? Not enough energy to spare? That was not why they played slow and sounded like fucking DREDGING. That's the only way I can think to describe their sound; just sifting and digging through the shit. Their music is totally representative of their surroundings. Heavily industrialized England set against a very dark and violent history; always cloudy, always rainy, cold, dreary...

The very first song on the first Sabbath record (their self-titled record and song) is a classic representation of doom metal. The rain, the bells, the opening devil's tritone riff are monumental in metal history as opening a new door to something dark and sinister. And that first line... I still get the creeps every time I hear it. The story behind that song is awesome.

I don't see how Sabbath weren't the originators of doom. Listen to Candlemass; nearly every riff sounds as though it could have been lifted from a Sabbath record (still a great band though).
I am not saying it isn't metal, I am saying it is very boring metal. Some use apologetics to make up for Black Sabbath's lack of energy (being a bunch of pill popping, perpetually doped-up euro-trash, they sure did not have much energy to spare), often saying that Black Sabbath was the blueprint band of doom metal but that is just nonsense.

what the fuck ever!
I am not saying it isn't metal, I am saying it is very boring metal. Some use apologetics to make up for Black Sabbath's lack of energy (being a bunch of pill popping, perpetually doped-up euro-trash, they sure did not have much energy to spare), often saying that Black Sabbath was the blueprint band of doom metal but that is just nonsense.

if you like stoner/doom and heavy metal I don't see why they wouldn't be a very good and ground breaking band for you. You got to listen to it thinking that was quite an unique/really talented band for the time. The songs from their first 4 albums are pretty much timeless/classic.

I must admit I didn't really bothered listening to their other records after the first 4.. maybe I'll check Heaven and Hell at some point but for now I'm quite happy with their early stuff..
if you like stoner/doom and heavy metal I don't see why they wouldn't be a very good and ground breaking band for you. You got to listen to it thinking that was quite an unique/really talented band for the time. The songs from their first 4 albums are pretty much timeless/classic.

I must admit I didn't really bothered listening to their other records after the first 4.. maybe I'll check Heaven and Hell at some point but for now I'm quite happy with their early stuff..

I think Sabotage is easily one of their best pieces of work... every song on it is a fucking epic slab of ass-kickery.

Even that little 45-second acoustic song. :lol:
Its not that black sabbath are incredibly technical but when they started, they had a very uniquely heavy sound. Even to this day, with all the bands theyv influenced its always easy to recognize their sound. Also, while Iommi is nowhere near the most technical guitarist, his riffs are timeless & he plays with soul. Every riff & solo is memorable.