Black Sabbath - I don't get it

Fixed, and yes, I listened to both Candlemass (which is not as boring as most of Black Sabbath's entire career) and Saint Vitus (which is arguably even more boring than Black Sabbath).

Yes, sludge/drone/funeral doom can sound absolutely terrifying, but I do not get that from Black Sabbath. All I really got from songs other than Paranoid, Children of the Grave, Electric Funeral, TV Crimes, Neon Knights, Iron Man, Lady Evil, Die Young, and Lawmaker is crap that irritates me from being too slow, too boring, and/or being British pop crap.

18 posts is and everyone hates you!!!! That's awesome, you have to go down in some kind of record book, right?
"How'd you make it look so easy?"
"Well, I just went out there and talked like a dumbass and it just all came together."
"Words from a record breaking troll"

You can't at least give them respect? I mean they CREATED the genre of music you so "love." Don't like them or listen to them, but dammit! you will respect your elders, son!
So... you bash the entire band... can't you accept that people like them and just shut up?

I didn't say you have to love them, I don't love them. But you should respect them. Yes you should respect the first rock band ever, because without them you wouldn't have the music you like.

Given that your intelligence and general people skills fail in every way, you should stop now.
I agree with Seed. You can't deny the importance of Sabbath, and you have to give them respect for doing what they did. That doesn't mean you have to like their music. I HATE Def Leppard's music, but I respect the fuck out of them for keeping their drummer after he lost his arm. There is a difference.
I hate to say this, but that seems like a weak and lame comparison. And Def Leppard only put out crap in their later years IMO. Why do they deserve respect as musicians for keeping a one-armed drummer and putting out bubble gum pop?
I hate to say this, but that seems like a weak and lame comparison. And Def Leppard only put out crap in their later years IMO. Why do they deserve respect as musicians for keeping a one-armed drummer and putting out bubble gum pop?

I don't respect their music, it's a bunch of crap. But that's a lot of loyalty and dedication on the band's part and on the drummer's part, and that's what I respect about them.
Yeah, same here. I also don't like, but respect the Beatles. There is a ton of music that I don't like but I respect. I don't like jazz, but I respect jazz musicians for their talent and skill. Black Sabbath need to be respected by anyone into metal. You don't even have to like them, but you have to respect them. I pretty much like Sabbath up though Sabotage, though some of those albums have a song here and there that I don't like (like Warning, which is actually a cover).
I went from not understanding why the Beatles were so revered, to accepting it, to starting to understand it over the course of my adult life. I pretty much hate their silly poppy love songs, but they have a lot of seriously good tunes from the later part of their career.
I went from not understanding why the Beatles were so revered, to accepting it, to starting to understand it over the course of my adult life. I pretty much hate their silly poppy love songs, but they have a lot of seriously good tunes from the later part of their career.

Shutting up is not something I am particularly good at, especially since I have...the gift.

So not respecting them would suddenly cause the bands it spawned to not exist? I am not getting your "logic" here.

What follows is probably the most senseless and contradictory circle jerk I have ever seen.

Ender Rises: "You should respect Sabbath like you should respect Def Laffard for their influence."

Achrisk: "Black Sabbath is great but Def Lappard sucks, don't respect it."

Seedofvengeance: "I like Sabbath AND the Beatles."

Achrisk: "Yeah, what he said."

Ender Rising: "I hate Lappard but I can respect them for diligently producing shit I hate."

Life Sucks: "You can respect Sabbath to a degree depending upon which albums you like."

Achkrisk: "I went from an awkward lad who wondered why the Beatles were good to an awkward lad who fell in love with the Beatles like the rest of the deluded masses."

Thon Amoth: "I was an awkward lad who enjoyed the Beatles too"

Goddamn, have you guys even LISTENED to yourselves talk? God, not only did you totaly obliterate whatever point you were hoping to convey to me but you also went from convincing me to making me doubt your credibility even more by switching from Def Lappard to the Beatles (being a Rolling Stone fan and a stern hater of hippies the world over, I have no reason to respect the Beatles for anything).

About the only way you could have made me doubt your credibility even more is by suddenly coming out of the blue and start talking about Led Zeppelin or Joy Division or rap.

ok let's rephrase this then:

if you don't like sabbath you are an idiot
I agree.
Except for the "If you don't like Sabbath" part.

For one thing, the reason Leppard should be respected is for not throwing an injured member to the wolves. Which is admirable. It's also basic human decency. I don't really consider it reason to particularly admire them...

Anyhow, I respect Hendrix, The Beatles, and Zeppelin, even though I don't like Hendrix and Zeppelin, because a lot of the music I like wouldn't exist without it.

Lemegeton, please name some bands you like.
I agree.
Except for the "If you don't like Sabbath" part.

For one thing, the reason Leppard should be respected is for not throwing an injured member to the wolves. Which is admirable. It's also basic human decency. I don't really consider it reason to particularly admire them...

Anyhow, I respect Hendrix, The Beatles, and Zeppelin, even though I don't like Hendrix and Zeppelin, because a lot of the music I like wouldn't exist without it.

Lemegeton, please name some bands you like.

:lol: i'm just fucking with him... i don't really give a shit what he likes... though i find it odd that a professed metalhead finds sabbath boring, it is indicative of underdeveloped taste of the metal genre imo
Shutting up is not something I am particularly good at, especially since I have...the gift.

So not respecting them would suddenly cause the bands it spawned to not exist? I am not getting your "logic" here.

What follows is probably the most senseless and contradictory circle jerk I have ever seen.

Ender Rises: "You should respect Sabbath like you should respect Def Laffard for their influence."

Achrisk: "Black Sabbath is great but Def Lappard sucks, don't respect it."

Seedofvengeance: "I like Sabbath AND the Beatles."

Achrisk: "Yeah, what he said."

Ender Rising: "I hate Lappard but I can respect them for diligently producing shit I hate."

Life Sucks: "You can respect Sabbath to a degree depending upon which albums you like."

Achkrisk: "I went from an awkward lad who wondered why the Beatles were good to an awkward lad who fell in love with the Beatles like the rest of the deluded masses."

Thon Amoth: "I was an awkward lad who enjoyed the Beatles too"

Goddamn, have you guys even LISTENED to yourselves talk? God, not only did you totaly obliterate whatever point you were hoping to convey to me but you also went from convincing me to making me doubt your credibility even more by switching from Def Lappard to the Beatles (being a Rolling Stone fan and a stern hater of hippies the world over, I have no reason to respect the Beatles for anything).

About the only way you could have made me doubt your credibility even more is by suddenly coming out of the blue and start talking about Led Zeppelin or Joy Division or rap.

Lemegeton: "I'm a narrow-minded idiot who doesn't care at all about the creativity or talent of a band, so I'm going to pretend like everyone else here is deluded and spend half an hour paraphrasing their posts in ways which reveal my complete lack of reading comprehension."

Seriously, why would you even bother saying something like this:

So not respecting them would suddenly cause the bands it spawned to not exist? I am not getting your "logic" here.

when that's clearly not what Life Sucks meant? Please learn how to read.
Shutting up is not something I am particularly good at, especially since I have...the gift.

WTF are you David Koresh, or something?

If you don't like us, then just get off the fucking forum. You're a complete fucking douche bag. You took everything that everyone said and completely twisted it to where it meant absolutely no where near what we actually said. Just do the world a favor and shut your fucking mouth. Dear God, I've never seen anyone who deliberately joins a forum just to piss everyone off.