It won't be easy... will Waste of Skin be another Follow the Reaper? Will Scream for Silence be another Children of Decadence? Transference another Everytime I Die? And so on. Every song on FTR is epic. It's unrealistic to expect something similar and as good. But if Halo of Blood has its own style, with some epicness and dark atmosphere, and is half the album FTR is, that would be beyond magnificent.
No, SKO... That's what I'm afraid of, that they only have a couple nice songs like on RRF and they only give the same samples of those songs to these trailers and ads. However, something has convinced me this time there will be more than just one and a half songs you can listen to...
HCDR has some epic melodies still like FTR. But it made COB sound superficial and cheap.
There's a clip of the new song in the beginning of the video... it sounds quite peaceful, slow, but there's feeling again. Soundworld is blue.
I kinda agree. It doesn't sound like they are that much better. Halo of Blood had better vocals, even though I didn't really like those either. They sound a bit too 'forced' to me.Hate the vocals.
HCDR has some epic melodies still like FTR. But it made COB sound superficial and cheap.
There's a clip of the new song in the beginning of the video... it sounds quite peaceful, slow, but there's feeling again. Soundworld is blue.
I kinda agree. It doesn't sound like they are that much better. Halo of Blood had better vocals, even though I didn't really like those either. They sound a bit too 'forced' to me.
And I don't really like how the vocals go with the music. It doesn't really fit them melodically and such. But maybe that's a good thing as now I'm lowering my expectations of the album a bit, so things can go uphill from here.
lolHCDR has some epic melodies still like FTR. But it made COB sound superficial and cheap.
Why he plays the LTD?
Yes I think the sound on HCDR is superficial. Of course you have some more atmospheric songs like Angels Don't Kill, Chokehold and Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood. The guitar sound isn't too atmospheric so the full potential of Chokehold and Hood aren't brought to light sadly.
The 0:12 - 0:15 part contains some pretty kickass drum fills, listen carefully.