COB start writing new album

:lol: That guy clearly is a Bodom hater and doesn't know what he's talking about.

The only song worth listening to is Waste of Skin? In his opinion Halo of Blood and Transference isn't even worth listening to.

I think this guy's not worth writing metal reviews. But it's only proof people perceive music differently.
"As their live shows have reportedly gone downhill, unravelling into an hour and a half of drunken falling about the stage"

I've been seeing this band since 2009(recent times) and they've always put on a great show. I doubt this guy has ever seen them more than once, if at all.
"Halo of Blood’s predecessor “Relentless, Reckless Forever” showed a small sign that Children of Bodom were returning to their old school root"

What the actual FUCK?! That guy is on drugs or something
"Halo of Blood’s predecessor “Relentless, Reckless Forever” showed a small sign that Children of Bodom were returning to their old school root"

What the actual FUCK?! That guy is on drugs or something

I felt the same way man. It brought back a dark feeling with way more melodies than BD and AYDY?
I felt the same way man. It brought back a dark feeling with way more melodies than BD and AYDY?

RRF more dark? It's their least dark sounding album, and sounds dry.

From the Henkka interview:

But I remember there were a couple of times when I was really surprised; there’s one very sad song and then a very slow song, like slower than anything we’ve ever done before. Those are the surprising ones, they are my favorite ones.

Sad song that's not DMHOY? Does he mean Halo of Blood... it doesn't sound sad at all to me. Does he mean Scream for Silence as a sad song? If not, then it has to be... what song? All Twisted is also described as thrashy, so what song is he referring to... One Bottle and a Knee Deep? HoB is not sad.

My theory is he said 'fast' but he was misheard saying 'sad'.
I bet that guy is fucking old-school puritan that listens to 80s bands all the fucking day. Come on, I love 80s band like Iron Maiden, Testament, Megadeth, Slayer and so on, but you have to be objective on a review and a bit open minded...what the fuck is the reviewer saying??
Since we are getting closer to release, does anyone else give thoughts about working names. I thought they were hilarious and i wanna find them from the new songnames
For the working tittles: I'm pretty sure In The Shadow 2012 is Bodom Blue Moon. they said in the last samples video that it was a pain in the ass to make work and in a old interview they were saying the same about in the shadow, they also mentioned it's the worse song they ever wrote :bah:
Right about Amon Amarth.

Wrong about DT. The three tracks they have released so far sound nothing like something they did before and nothing like something that has already been done before.

You're the man. I love DT because they always deliver something new, but at the same time they stay true to their core sound(unlike in flames, and i like them too). Really pumped for this summer.
Anyone heard the German Band "The Last Hangmen"? Sounds good to me, they added me a few years ago in an Social Network.

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For the working tittles: I'm pretty sure In The Shadow 2012 is Bodom Blue Moon. they said in the last samples video that it was a pain in the ass to make work and in a old interview they were saying the same about in the shadow, they also mentioned it's the worse song they ever wrote :bah:

I thought In the Shadows referred to an epic melodic ending in a song... I hope it doesn't refer to a senseless song.
I don't think this has been posted before..

Waste Of Skin
Der Opener entpuppt sich direkt als typischer Children Of Bodom-Track mit vielen Leads und ordentlich Doublebass-Power. In Sachen Melodien steht definitiv skandinavischer Melodic Death Metal Pate.

Halo Of Blood
Der erste Song mit Black Metal-Ansatz seit dem grandiosen ‘Warheart’ (HATEBREEDER, 1999). Infernalisches Drum-Gemetzel (alias Blastbeats) von Jaska sowie lange Schreie von Alexi lassen immer wieder aufhorchen. Ein starker Song und echtes Ausrufezeichen.

Scream For Silence
Nach so viel Rasanz will die Band entschleunigen und legt eine Heavy-Ballade vor, die zuweilen an ‘Angels Don’t Kill’ (HATE CREW DEATHROLL, 2003) erinnert und sich gegen Ende zu einem Heavy-Rocker entwickelt.

Wesentliche neuere, weil modern anmutende Wege gehen die Bambini mit diesem Track. Ein flotter Stampfer, der mit typischem Laiho-Gesang aufwartet, sich aber dennoch aus dem typischen Children Of Bodom-Kleid geschält hat.

Bodom Blue Moon
Man startet direkt mit viel Solospaß, ehe es in einen Rhythmus geht, den versierte Metal-Analysten von Skid Rows Jahrhundert-Song ‘Slave To The Grind’ kennen. Generell pendelt man zwischen flottem Uptempo und Stakkato-Salven. Hat ebenfalls einen leicht modernen Touch.

The Days Are Numbered

Erneut ein klassischer Children Of Bodom-Song, der überwiegend zwischen Uffta-Parts und hartem Stampf hin und her pendelt. Melodischer Death-Thrash quasi, inklusive Gangshouts und mehrstimmigem Gesang. Gute Nummer.

Dead Man’s Hand On You
Akustisches Geklimper, Klavier und tiefer Sprechgesang – was ist hier los? Zunächst mutet das wie eine apokalyptische Gothic-Sause an, entwickelt sich aber glücklicherweise zu einer Heavy-Ballade (mit typischem Laiho-Gekrächze), die am Ende mit vielen Soli aufwartet.

Damaged Beyond Repair
Stakkato-Riffing, viel Druck dank Doublebass-Schubkraft und Soli. Children Of Bodom variieren außerdem immer wieder die Geschwindigkeit. Ein Mix aus Moderne und klassischem Bodom-Stoff.

All Twisted
Eine weitere Nummer, die heraussticht. Zunächst sehr „hard-rockig“, dann schneller werdend und im Melodic Death-Gefilde reitend. Generell hört man die Liebe der Band zu Achtziger-Hair Metal heraus. Schicke Nummer mit dominantem Keyboard-Solo.

One Bottle And A Knee Deep
Schickes, weil flottes Riffing, das sich mit Bombast paart. Dann geht es direkt in Uffta-Bereiche hinein. Hier zimmert man erneut mit Melodic Death-Brettern und zeigt sich – wie im Grunde generell auf HALO OF BLOOD – sehr angriffslustig. Zum Ende „thrasht“ es noch gewaltig. Schöner Abschluss.

Sleeping In My Car (Roxette-Cover, Bonus-Track)
Auf der Special Edition wird das Roxette-Cover der letzte Track sein. Eine hervorragend umgesetzte Children Of Bodom-Version dieses Klassikers, der sicher auf vielen Metalpartys zum Einsatz kommen wird. Für ihre geschmackvolle Wahl von Cover-Versionen sind die Finnen ja bekannt.

Fazit: HALO OF BLOOD kann nach einmaliger Höranalyse als ein sehr gutes Album bezeichnet werden, da es mehrheitlich eine Rückbesinnung auf die Frühphase des Quintetts darstellt
Mehr zu Children Of Bodom und dem kommenden Album HALO OF BLOOD findet ihr in unserer Juni-Ausgabe

Would our German friends care to translate?
I can't stop listening to the Waste of Skin sample. If the album leaks the next week... well, sorry guys, but the flesh is weak.
google translation of what kilon posted:

Waste Of Skin
The opener turns out to be right as a typical Children Of Bodom track with many leads and tidy double bass power. In terms of tunes is definitely Scandinavian melodic death metal godfather.

Halo Of Blood
The first song with Black Metal approach since the grand 'Warheart' (HATE BREEDER, 1999). Infernal drum massacre (also known as blast beats) of long screams of Alexi and Jaska make you listen again and again. A strong song and real exclamation point.

Scream For Silence
After so much panache, the band wants to slow down and provide a heavy ballad, sometimes to 'Angels Do not Kill' (HATE CREW DEATH ROLL, 2003) recalled and developed towards the end of a heavy rocker.

Significant newer, modern looking way to go because the Bambini with this track. A brisk masher, which offers typical Laiho singing, but has nevertheless peeled from the typical Children Of Bodom dress.

Bodom Blue Moon
It starts immediately with plenty of solo fun, before it goes into a rhythm, the metal-savvy analysts of Skid Rows century song 'Slave To The Grind' know. Generally, you fluctuates between a brisk tempo and staccato bursts. Also has a slightly modern touch.

The Days Are Numbered
Again a classic Children Of Bodom song that oscillates between predominantly Uffta parts and hard ramming back and forth. Melodic Death-Thrash or less, including transition shouts and polyphonic singing. Good number.

Dead Man's Hand On You
Acoustic strumming, piano and deep chanting - what's going on here? First, the expected like an apocalyptic gothic sauce, but fortunately developed a heavy ballad (with typical Laiho-croaking), grows at the end with lots of solos.

Damaged Beyond Repair
Staccato riffing, double bass thanks to a lot of pressure thrust and solos. Children Of Bodom also vary the speed again. A mix of modern and classic Bodom fabric.

All Twisted
Another number that stands out. Initially very "hard rock", then faster and faster and Melodic Death-riding climes. In general, you can hear out the band's love for eighties hair metal. Chic number with dominant keyboard solo.

One Bottle And A Knee Deep
Chic, because brisk riffing is paired with bombast. Then it goes straight into Uffta areas. Here again we timbers with Melodic Death boards and shows - as basically generally on HALO OF BLOOD - very aggressive. The end "thrasht" it still enormous. Beautiful close.

Sleeping In My Car (Roxette cover, bonus track)
In the Special Edition, the Roxette cover will be the last track. A superbly converted Children Of Bodom version of this classic, which will surely come to many parties metal used. Finns are well known for their tasteful choice of cover versions.

Conclusion: HALO OF BLOOD can be described as a very good album after a single Höranalyse because it mostly represents a return to the early phase of the quintet
More on Children Of Bodom and the upcoming album HALO OF BLOOD can be found in our June issue
Waste of Skin
The opener turns out to be a typical Children of Bodom track with lots of leads and doublebass-power. Melodies sound like scandinavian melodic death (Don't know the literal translation but thats the meaning)

Halo of Blood
The first song with Black Metal tendencies since superb Warheart (Hatebreeder). Infernal drums (i.e. Blastbeats) by Jaska and long screams by Alexi are an eyecatcher. A strong song.

Scream For Silence
After so much speed the band wants to apologize and presents a heavy-ballad that reminds of Angels Dont Kill (HCDR) that turns into a heavy song near the end.

Bodom try new and modern ways with that one. A fast song with typical Laiho singing, still sounds like a typical Bodom song.

Bodom Blue Moon
Starting with a solo, going into a rhythm that has similarities with Skid Rows Slave To The Grind. Alternating between uptempo and staccato. Slightly modern touch.

The Days Are Numbered
Classical Children of Bodom song, alternating between uffta(How should I translate that one) and heavy parts. Melodic death-trash including groupshouts and multi-layered singing. Good song.

Dead Mans Hand On You
Acoustic tinkling, grand piano and deep recitative - Whats going on? Sounds like an apocalyptical gothic song at first that turns into a typical heavy ballad (with typical Laiho vocals) and lots of solos in the end.

Damaged Beyond Repair
Staccato-riffing, lots of power, doublebass and solos. They vary the tempo quite a lot. Mix between modern and old bodom.

All Twisted
Another one that sticks out. Hard Rock at first that gets faster and turns into Melodic Death. You can hear the bands love towards 80's Hair Metal. Neat song with a dominant Keyboard solo.

One Bottle And A Knee Deep
Pretty and fast riffing pairing with bombast. Goes into an Uffta part after that. You can hear the dominant Melodic Death and - as in general on Halo of Blood - pretty aggressive. Thrashing towards the end. Nice ending.

Poor translation as I didn't have much time but this should give you a rough idea.
RRF more dark? It's their least dark sounding album, and sounds dry.

From the Henkka interview:

But I remember there were a couple of times when I was really surprised; there’s one very sad song and then a very slow song, like slower than anything we’ve ever done before. Those are the surprising ones, they are my favorite ones.

Sad song that's not DMHOY? Does he mean Halo of Blood... it doesn't sound sad at all to me. Does he mean Scream for Silence as a sad song? If not, then it has to be... what song? All Twisted is also described as thrashy, so what song is he referring to... One Bottle and a Knee Deep? HoB is not sad.

My theory is he said 'fast' but he was misheard saying 'sad'.

man i feel sadness and madness on Halo of blood song. i feel that when i play it on my piano..