COB start writing new album

Two days ago I had french tarte with salmon and spinach. I cooked salmon in milk with olive oil and salt, and it was so riddiculously good I ate half of it and had to use much more spinach instead. Fucking salmon.
This is the Skandinavian "food of kings" as my grandfather used to say. His family tree tells we heir from a royal viking family, so he knows his shit.


Back some ten years ago a couple friends of mine visited our place when my brother had just graduated from high school and mom made piles of these little babies with like ten bottles of champagne. Another of my friends was actually a renowned school bully and our relationship was so-so but you should've seen how friendly he was when eating these.

I would fucking die if I ate salmon. Allergies are pain in the ass.
edit: I almost did one time, my dad made me eat salmon one christmas, I spent the rest of the fucking night holding my head in snow in -40 degrees cold weather. My throat had swollen and face looked like I got punched for 2 days straights into it. Great times.
Sounds fun. I'm shit scared of fish bones tho, I nearly choked on a candy three times as a kid. So it's really bitchy to eat fish that has these dangerous, unsystematically arranged needles that are difficult to spot. I hope when I have a girlfriend her parents won't take us out to eat fish. I hate the idea of getting a fish needle in throat and dying so easily in the middle of a bright day (I know this sounds gay as hell but everytime I swallow I pray don't sting don't sting) or have my throat pierced with a knife, that's why I generally dislike eating fish, but salmon's ok, those bones are so big anyway you can't miss them. :lol: That's why the old saying 'don't talk/laugh while eating', cos we ate a lot of fish here.
:( :( :( :( stop it guys

i don't like fish except for when it's in a roll (sushi)
screw you nuclear-blast ! we already had a good version of HoB why did you post that instead of track by track 3 ? :(
I like fish, but HATE the bones ! After 1 bone im done with it !
Anyways, i really do think this new album sounds pretty different, and by having heard two full songs, i dont know how im gonna handle the album yet....
yeah, I like RRF and I suppose I should feel like an idiot because of that. I guess that's not what kilon meant, but it is a bad habbit to generalize.
I like RRF very much, and i dont feel like an idiot.
I do not like something wild tho, and still dont feel like an idiot. I like that...I would if I did tho..
