Gotta give you only the yeah, because I dont completely agree with your RRF- tracklist thing. Compared to AYDY and Blooddrunk it is way more musically better and it has those "experimental tracks" more than just one, and as a matter fact WIWI doesn't even have anything experimental, or not that much at least. (its just the stupid party song they should've been pulled out from the album..)
Actually when RRF came out, I was delighted of the experimental stuff which was good compared to Blooddrunks thrash metal songs etc.
For example, think about songs like Pussyfoot Miss Suicide and Cry Of The Nihilist:
In the first one you can hear something very rare Paul Gilbert-style riffing and it has good groove, one of my favorite tracks from that record.
In the second one, which I dont actually like much, you have this totally new progressive thing going on whit the time signatures and riffs. It also has the motherfucking great interlude, which might be the only part in COB's songs ever made that goes in a major scale!
Well maybe thats all about the experimentals, and gotta say I am disappointed whit songs like Roundtrip and Ugly. Ofc theyre good, its Bodom, but still the guys should avoid to try another Angels Dont Kill song (which they can never beat) and Ugly is like sensless riffing and a normal guy cannot even understand all the riffs going on in 400 mph.
For the next album I am expecting pretty much same like RRF, but my personal opinion as a fan and as a musician: I would really like to hear again at least one track from the oldies;
Something that gives me chills everytime I hear the song, please
But thats just me