COB start writing new album

Thanks a lot. And I know it loses it meaning and/or touch when you have finnish slang and translating it to english. It's the same with some swedish words too which you simply can't translate.
Alexi said about the Bananarama cover in an interview lately that it hasn't been released yet. He didn't know when or how it's going to be released, too bad because I was and still am really waiting to hear that! And related to the discussion a couple of pages back: my favourite covers from COB are "She Is Beautiful", "Rebel Yell" and "Somebody Put Something In My Drink". Even though "Just Dropped In..." cover has a special place in my heart because I always need to hear it when I'm shitfaced. :P Also, when I first heard Hate Crew Deathroll album, I actually thought "Silent Scream" was COBs song... (didn't know shit about Slayer back then). :D

I've been listening to HOB so much even my boyfriend is starting to like it.. :D Before this album I had top 2 albums: Hatebreeder and Hate Crew Deathroll. But now I think HOB is gonna hit my personal #1! It's got so much feeling to it, probably because of the catchy riffs and not just "in your face" -type of lyrics. It's so diverse, it's got the anger, sadness and energy all combined. Before I used to listen to a specific COB album that matched my state of mind, but now I feel HOB matches every state of mind that I have. There are so different songs and I can listen to them in many different ways (e.g. really thinking lyrics vs. focusing on a catchy melody). This album is gonna be a classic. :)
Hi everyone here!!
I´ve won a VIP pass for a COB show in Santiago (Spain), it was due to a competition of "Continental Concerts & Management GmbH ", I am wondering if anybody knows what includes this pass, meeting the band...or something like that...
Thanks!! And greetings from Spain!
So i listened through all of HoB again the other day, to see if it still had the same power now that the OMG NEW ALBUM release feeling is gone. I gotta say it's probably my second favorite album from them, second only to FtR of course. It's barely behind it, and it's pretty much the only album I've been finding myself listening to lately. They really did a great job this time around!
The next album could be COB's last, and for that one I think they should occupy a dark and evil sound world to expose the true dark behind Bodom. I have this vision. A coverart with the Reaper in pitch black forest holding a skull and staring at its empty eyes... with a purple thunderstorm by the lake to express the hellish nature of the tranquil lake. An evil and atmospheric sound world... and some riffing such as this 1:11.

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Amon Amarth may write simple music but I wouldn't call the riffs dull. Most of them are pretty memorable I think. There are plenty of bands out there who prove that a riff doesn't need to be ridiculously complex to be good, and this is coming from someone who primarily only listens to really busy tech-death or bdm now days. Just look at bands like Mastodon or even Morbid Angel. Very slow, chuggy riffs, that aren't super complicated, but still very interesting material. I'm not saying you have to think Amon Amarth is a great band, but I really don't believe their riffs are dull. Simple, yes, dull, no.
I actually could enjoy Amarth sometimes but I never get how the ratio of popularity/generic-repetitiveness of their stuff is so big.
ps: and of course I appreciate simple but juicy and catchy riffs, see 'deicide - homage for satan' main riff - basically 4 notes of the most stereotypical death metal scale repeated over again.
See, Deicide is one of those bands I can't stand. They're like one of those death-metal-training wheels type of bands imo.

I do understand what you mean, but for whatever reason I just like Amon Amarth. They're not what I would want to be writing as a musician personally, but I think they have cool little riffs. Valhall Awaits, Death In Fire, mmmmmmm..
It's a matter of taste after all :) Asator is by far my favourite.
0:47 -> pure love

One summer day last year I rode around a lake shirtless through forests and trails, and this melody would not seize playing in my head. Good days.

0:09 -> most testosteronic riff ever

An enjoyable song with atmospheric melodies

This is one of those bands, who had immense potential, but just did too much pointless material. If they culminated their epic ideas into full songs and considered their material, they'd be godly. It's like Relentless Reckless Forever, good ideas in the midst, but the ideas are gems splintered on a sea of sand.
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I have a suspicion COB will record a new video in the Finnish winter.

Similar scenery to the album artwork. Not sure if there's a cool sight with pristine nature (no signs of humans) at Lake Bodom, but if they managed to shoot a good-looking video at Lake Bodom, that would be epic. But it's more important it will look artistic, so if the place is filled with shit it's probably not a good idea. Lots of artistic stuff you could do with what kind of sunlight or light work you use. It's amazing how epic the wintery forest scenery looks like with different shades of the sun.

It would probably be a Halo of Blood video, with the intro included. Short and climatic song. Maybe some blue and red light work at night could do the magic. The video shooting would have to wait until January however... because you need the lake to be properly frozen to withstand the weight of the gear.

For a Halo of Blood video you could use different shots from the lake... Maybe the band playing in the daylight in foggy weather


Then you use clips of the forest in the storytelling...


Then you could use night-time clips from the lake as well, because it suits the dramatic vibe best


You could use an actor in the storytelling going to the lake and surrendering his life for an invading pack of wolves, leaving a circle of blood on the snow. Wolves also represent many elements in COB's music, the primitivity, aggression, nocturnal nature, even Alexi's voice and the howling guitars and keyboards. The grim of a black wolf would look perfect on video for that heavy riff...


Just some wild ideas for what I think would make a great video.

And I also suggest releasing this video with a great new live DVD. It would make arguably the best COB release ever.
Even Amon Amarth just put out a quality live DVD. It's incredible if COB isn't answering this live DVD "challenge" posed by other bands. Atm COB have very fine momentum going on live, they should eternalize it for DVD. Why are they worrying about whether people buy the DVD or not... these days people go to youtube to check out how a band is live, and Bodom don't really have the quality videos they deserve. Most are bad quality. If I were them I would do it, something to check out in the future when the active career is over. All they have for requisite to their future sons and daughters to prove their past worth is that crappy CRY... I can imagine the CRY DVD only did damage to their reputation, but the shit they have on stage now is more attractive for potential ticket buyers. I have no evidence however if a good live DVD on youtube will boost or hinder the sales (I wanna see that live, or great, now I don't have to see them live when I have this.)
Halo Of Blood lyrics video got released.

Nothing to write home about, but for completion sake it's worth posting.
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Janne, at least, sounds like he's ready for a break: at c. 2:20 in this interview from last December, in response to the question "What are COB most looking forward to in 2014?" he replies: "This tour we're now on (Halo of Blood world tour) will go into next year (i.e. 2014) and I think we will finish it with doing festivals next summer. I'm really looking forward to having a little break from touring and band activities after next summer. Then we've been on tour for over two years again, so ... "
Shovel knockout means date rape. You know when a girl is so hot she gets you hard just looking, but she won't have anything to do with you except maybe to make fun of you. You just want to knock her out, defile her, and leave her to the shame.

Sorry, dragging up an old topic, but i thought to point out that shovel knockout is already a slang term in english. The translation you are making seems more like ragdoll to me. It's not knockout the noun. It is knockout as a verb (what you do to cunts) and shovel as adverb (how you beat that bitch). It is very grammatically incorrect deep south slang.

Are you dead yet is like 'why don't you just kill yourself because you are worthless.' Downfall is the downward spiral - the way we destroy ourselves trying to kill the pain. You know all the usual feel worthless, kill pain, hurt others, and commit suicide. At least, that is what native english speakers understand about bodom lyrics. In english at least it is already black 'humor.' Mad props to the guys for the mother succubus theme on halo of blood. Freudian transference of feelings for mom toward a lover- sexualizing what is sacred. Very edgy.

Winter video would be awesome. I'd like to see some northern lights something reminiscent of james joyce stream of consciousness.. you know. The part with the colors describing birth and the first images seen?

And i do believe they deserve a break after this. Long time touring. Very heavy stuff on halo of blood. Definitely break worthy. But i do hope they keep writing. I think they have really reached a level of artistic maturity worthy of further exploration.

From the making of HoB, some Finnish versions of the song titles. I figured the original titles by myself, but I'm not sure about two of them (marked with ?)

Not My Funeral - Ei meitsin monttubileet
Bodom Beach Terror - Botoxi grillijuhlat
Needled 24/7 - Niiranen 24/7
Shovel Knockout - Lapiolla turpiin
Roundtrip to Hell and Back - Turistibussilla helevettiin
In Your Face - Loskat naamalle
Living Dead Beat - Eloisa korpse
Children of Bodom - Murhajärven mukulat
Hate Me - Dissaa mua, beibi
Blooddrunk - Verjjurri
Angels Don't Kill - Enkelit ei laita penaaliin
Follow the Reaper - Seuraa viikate-Raimoa
Downfall? - Pelikaani turbiinista läpi
Are You Dead Yet? - Olixe pakko ?????
Everytime I Die? - Aina kun koirahan
Hate Crew Deathroll - Kiukkuremmin kuolonrylläys
^I'm impressed, we haven't really had many new intelligent members for many years.

But first of all this translation of names is pure humor and it's from some video by COB, not by me.

I like the way Bodom uses symbolic song titles, referring to psychological, social or intoxicant issues with fantasy coating. I didn't know Shovel Knockout has this slang identity. The band never mentioned this or introduced the song like this. It's powerful, but maybe they want to keep it as a sheer violence term.

Please explain this:

...succubus theme on halo of blood. Freudian transference of feelings for mom toward a lover- sexualizing what is sacred.

Are you suggesting Halo of Blood refers to the oidipal complex? Or the song Transference? Transference is usually about treating someone worse or better than he deserves or making assumptions on him because he reminds you of another person from the past and you presume he's the same. The Halo of Blood theme Alexi described with another idiom "cloud of red smoke" describing his dead friend. I've understood Halo of Blood is about an unknown suicided friend, while Dead Man's Hand is about a dead friend (Tonmi Lillman).

I think another meaning you could give for a title such as Halo of Blood is the way someone suddenly becomes so special and missed and legendary when he dies, but before that nobody really respects.
The second part of your definition of transference is what i am talking about. The oedipal complex is a much debated transference- childhood memories of the parent placed on the lover. But you are right- it could be any knowledge of a person used to make assumptions about a new person based on resemblance. Or it could mean the transfering of feelings onto a therapist in psychoanalysis sessions. You have a valid point. I can not definitively say what childhood memory is being transferred to whom. But i do contend that this album is undoubtedly psychological or even psychoanalytical.

To answer your question, i was referring most specifically to transference. But i did mean the album as a whole. A halo is a circle of light appearing around the heads of religious figures. It can also mean the aura or mythos of a famous figure. Medically it is a visual disturbance of a circle of light which can occur due to injury or problems involving pressure in the orbital globe. Or it may be a purely psychological cause, a hallucination. Blood refers to the liquid circulating substance feeding nutrients to and removing waste from the body. But it can also refer to family. In bodom blue moon there is the lyric you procreate my next reign.

Then there is the reference to Kali in dead man's hand on you. Kali is the hindu goddess of death. Popular mythos has kali as a vampire figure demanding blood sacrifice. This may be due to Indiana Jones and the temple of doom. In hindu religion, kali is more connected to blackness, and is a consort of shiva. In the devi durga and dakshina, kali is presented as having a quality of bloodthirst which is subdued by contact with shiva. Mahakali is identified as brahman, a source of other dieties. Kala refers to lord shiva. Both kali and kala are dieties of time- the destruction and creation aspect respectively. Worshippers of kali are known to practice tantric sex. And of course the karma sutra is the book of sex positions used by lord shiva. He does all of them in one sexual session. But the phrase mother kali refers specifically to the brahman aspect.

I did not think to call it a connection to tonmi because of my american sensibility and the obvious sexual undertone raised simply by referring to kali. But now that you mention it i think you are probably right. Europeans are more affectionate, and mother kali is not a highly sexual aspect of the goddess. I have been looking through my rose colored american glasses.