I'm afraid I don't have any backups of it anymore... But maybe the new album will convince me to re-launch Scythes Of Bodom and start all over again.^ SmartassCan we have the Murder Archives back now, please?
I'm afraid I don't have any backups of it anymore... But maybe the new album will convince me to re-launch Scythes Of Bodom and start all over again.
Remember who suggested it first: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/284286-post20.html
Ok, they're 11 years late but better now than never.
I'm afraid I don't have any backups of it anymore... But maybe the new album will convince me to re-launch Scythes Of Bodom and start all over again.
I'm afraid I don't have any backups of it anymore... But maybe the new album will convince me to re-launch Scythes Of Bodom and start all over again.
Tägtgren mentions new Bodom album briefly in latest Soundi (3/2013): Album sounds really angry but, in a way, controlled. We have formed good working relationship. Alexi is sometimes a little impatient with the vocals "it's fucking good already, let's move on" and I need to talk him to give few more tries. We have interesting working hours, usually we start around nine pm and continue until 7 am.
Agreed, but lets hope it balances out well. Blooddrunk focused too much on anger, and ended up have less melody and classic Bodom elements. If the Peter was strictly referring to the vocals, than angry=better. I don't want anymore "heavy" groove metal riffs in COB.Cool. One of the biggest mistakes on RRF was the lack of anger, among other things...
I love this speculative phase when we have album art, song titles and random weird notes and opinions from some dude that already listened to it. But yeah, album art (especially hands under ice) is cool, I'm more excited for this album that I was for previous one, based on nothing. Now I just want to hear single or something
Tägtgren mentions new Bodom album briefly in latest Soundi (3/2013): Album sounds really angry but, in a way, controlled. We have formed good working relationship. Alexi is sometimes a little impatient with the vocals "it's fucking good already, let's move on" and I need to talk him to give few more tries. We have interesting working hours, usually we start around nine pm and continue until 7 am.