children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
Looking pretty good, sounds like a pretty mixed album, from very blackish songs to almost punk with some old style Bodom and quite a bit of melodies. Can't wait to get my hands on it 
Thanks a lot, great work and better help for us non-finnish speakers
And long time no see, hi!
By itself Angels Don't Kill is a pretty pointless and bland title too, but then the song is awesome and the title automatically sounds much better. I don't dislike the title too much, but I'll wait for the song acompanying it before deciding. It stands out for being long, but it's not that bad.
To be honest, coming from Alexi and COB, it was a title long time coming, it was just a matter of time for something like this to pop up. My only "disappointment" is that he didn't actually include 2 Bodom songs to make up for RRF.

I tried to do better than Google and translate song descriptions, but original text is written really figuratively and I quickly noticed that my English is failing me big time with this piece of text. :Spin:
And hi CoCOB, Sleeper & Joonas![]()
Thanks a lot, great work and better help for us non-finnish speakers

Dead Man's Hand On You... Slowest song ever by Bodom... I don't understand the purpose of the title. Personal meaning?
By itself Angels Don't Kill is a pretty pointless and bland title too, but then the song is awesome and the title automatically sounds much better. I don't dislike the title too much, but I'll wait for the song acompanying it before deciding. It stands out for being long, but it's not that bad.
I suppose Damaged Beyond Repair is the unworthy title this time. I guess it's something most of people can relate to at least, to varying extents. Many people have health issues of some kind. Is it about the stomach issue preventing Alexi from drinking heavy anymore... Or is it about a car?.
To be honest, coming from Alexi and COB, it was a title long time coming, it was just a matter of time for something like this to pop up. My only "disappointment" is that he didn't actually include 2 Bodom songs to make up for RRF.