COB start writing new album

Thanks! Very good rip, much appreciated!!!

EDIT: First impressions this fucking rocks! Loving the full song, particularly the melodies, the vocals and the old times like scream, hadn't had one of those for a while! Looking like a winner so far, can't wait for the video! :kickass:
This will be the ONLY thing I listen to for a week (or more).

LOVE it. Solos again sound a bit uninspired (altho it prob just takes a number of listens to have it gel properly in the mind) but this old school COB style with the modern touch is amazing.
Alexi's scream after the solo is fuckin awesome. It's the the trademark RRF "YAY" after it, hahahaha
Oh my god that bit at 2:28 is straight up Bodom After Midnight. The first transition from the intro to verse and then to chorus sounded a bit abrupt at first but this is everything I had been hoping for. I can already tell I'm going to prefer this over BD and RRF.
I was expecting to be bored by it after hearing the verse and chorus so many times but the bridge section is so awesome. Loving Alexi's vocals as well.