Compositional mixtape

The Pink Floyd song was mine, meant to submit Money, which has 7/4 meter in it, but submitted Comfortably Numb after getting no sleep for almost a day. Apologies.
Rush – La Villa Strangiato
Haven't heard this particular Rush album before. I'm digging the little taste of Flamenco in the intro. This shows off their progressive ability quite nicely. 9

Atrox – Ruin
Interesting. I'll have to give this band another shot. I could see them being too Nightwishy, but this wasn't. 8.5

Satyricon - The Dark Castle In The Deep Forest
As usual with black metal it has a good atmosphere but is otherwise.. oh wait what's this happening at 1 minute? Progression in black metal? Who has heard of such a thing on UM? Great, I like this too. 8

Tool – Schism
This was an "I participated" pick. Didn't know this round was going to take months, was hoping for a new theme to come along quickly. Doesn't compare to some other picks here. 7

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb
Don't even need to listen, Pink Floyd is a 10

Spastic Ink – That 178 Thing
Spastic Ink was my backup choice. Nice pick. 9.5

Killer playlist! So this is where all the prog hides out.
Rush – La Villa Strangiato


Atrox – Ruin


Satyricon - The Dark Castle In The Deep Forest


Tool – Schism


Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb

0/10 because it doesn't belong in this playlist

Spastic Ink – That 178 Thing
