Compositional mixtape

Are you referring to sequences where the singer uses non-lexical vocables like "OooOOooH"? Because at first I thought by "short" you meant clipped and staccato-y, like the Hall of the Mountain King, but that second example uses more drawn out vocalizations.
I guess I view both as somewhat short. And that is your answer. Repetition of non-lexical vocables, I.e. which are not actual words, in a showcased sequence.
Yeah I listened to it to make sure and it wasn't quite what I was looking for. I hope my examples and explanation are sufficient now for everyone.
Currently four submissions. Plenty of room, in other words.

Challenge yourself, UM! Fuck normal mixtape games, this is where it's at.
I'd just like to say that John Davis actually is somewhat of a master of percussive audible nonsense, and I'm not a hater of nu metal, so feel free to submit Korn.

Seriously... Korn is awesome. And as a hobby vocalist John Davis is definitely one of my inspirations. He might not be a falsetto master like so many folks associate with amazing pipes but he's creative on a whole different level. The guy SCATS, for fuck's sake.
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K here's the short lineup. I'm on the road and can't make a playlist but someone else can if you want. Not like there's a shit ton anyways.

Watchtower- Asylum
Metallica- One
Mercyful Fate- The Oath
Leprous- Contaminate Me
Dark Age- Rock Revelation
Watchtower - 9 yeah watchtower is cool. never noticed before those drums sound weird as fuck, like midi drums for an snes game or something.
Metallica - 8 classic but -2 because i think we should stay away from bands everyone's mom has heard of.
Mercyful Fate - 7 cool haunted house intro. The meat of the song is classic heavy metal. Never been a fan of their vocalist but this song is fun. Video is cutting out briefly.
Leprous - 8 solid track. I especially dig the latter more experimental half. -1 for some of the other parts being a bit cheesy.
Dark Age - 7 it's alright nothing really interesting here for them to stand out from dozens of other bands like this. Vocalist is good.

I would listen again to any song on this list. That might be a first? GG.
Watchtower- Asylum
Who-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oaah! Yeah, that's a good one.

Metallica- One
Where in this song does Hetfield sing anything that's not words? I've heard this song numerous times before, and I thought maybe it was something I missed, but upon listening again I couldn't hear any such instance even when I was looking for it. The only thing close is that the word "me" at the end of the chorus is drawn out. If it's an obvious band it should at least be an obvious fit.

Mercyful Fate- The Oath
Not even the best song on the album, but that 3:25 non-lexical vocable passage is the most memorable part, however brief it may be. It deserves props for that alone.

Leprous- Contaminate Me
Some good melodies, although it is a bit djent-y for my liking, and kind of meanders towards the end.

Dark Age- Rock Revelation
This just struck me as generic.