Confessions of an Opeth Fan...Ghost Reveries and Faceculture interview...

I don't want to presume you are new to Opeth just because you are new to the forum, and your first 2 posts seem to be put forward in a good manner, but as a "true" Opeth fan, surely you must realise that each individual Opeth album is good enough to be somebody's favourite or somebody's worst. I know there is a HUGE buzz over GR by newer people to Opeth who aren't as familiar with their "better" works, as such, but being an Opeth fan for almost 5 years now, I can say myself that I absolutely love GR, probably even more than MAYH, but it is all down to personal opinion; alot of the time that phrase can mean crap all, because it's obvious that there are bands who produce one album that stands out high above the rest (ie Orphaned Land with Mabool), but with Opeth you can say it, because no album is actually worse than any other.
This is what gets me annoyed - I never say that Opeth have a best album, only that one is my favourite and another my least favourite.
Just because you don't like it certainly does not mean it's bad, or their worst. So, in other words, don't make any more threads about which album you think is best or which is worst or whatever - it's not really a discussion if you aren't going to accept that you are giving an opinion and that alot of people will not agree with you.
I will not mention anything about taste or your devotion to the earlier stuff we've done, but for me it's clear some of you guys simply are not on the same wavelength as us in the band and me in particular writing the songs, and you need to move on. "Hours of wealth" is a song I was particulary proud of and it is actually not the fruit of many hours of rehearsals (that comment that we shouldn't rehearse was bordering to stupid, sorry!) but was actually done in the studio. The vocals done in one take and I have a certain connection with this song and if you don't get "it" I won't even bother trying to hype it. We're a phase of "your" musical evolution but maybe your journey ends here and you need to move into new territories?

I never reply to stuff like people don't like us, cause believe me, I hear more complaints and how "opeth suck" these days that I can't be bothered, but coming down on "HOW" is an attack that I feel the need to comment on. And "Isolation years", that's on of my personal fave opeth song ever and I was literally in tears singing it. I feel gutted that somebody can take the piss out of GR so completely that I actually feel the need to respond and I feel angry. Plain and simple, your opinion is noted but by no means will I contemplate what you said because you're there and I am here, simple as that...

Best regards
Thank God, I was waiting for Mike to come in and shut this thread down before I had to do it myself :)

Like he said, it's a simple matter of 'suck it up and move on'. If Opeth doesn't do it for you anymore, then you simply aren't on the same wavelength.

By the way, thanks for the insight into Isolation Years, Mike. I think the sorrow is really notable on your voice and it's really what makes the vibe of that whole song, as far as I'm concerned (well that AND the whole symphony of e-bows :D).
Braighs said:
well, blimey edited his post after Mikael's response so....
I did change it from: I think HoW is the worst to --> I think HoW is the worst on the album. That is what I meant initially, I just misworded it.

And for christ's sakes guys, I'm entitled to my opinion. If I think HoW is the worst on the album, why should anyone care?
blimey said:
I did change it from: I think HoW is the worst to --> I think HoW is the worst on the album. That is what I meant initially, I just misworded it.

And for christ's sakes guys, I'm entitled to my opinion. If I think HoW is the worst on the album, why should anyone care?

...whatever...just a meaningless obsevation.
Someone actually deleted their post. Mine was on the second page for a while.
Braighs said:
...whatever...just a meaningless obsevation.
Someone actually deleted their post. Mine was on the second page for a while.
Meh. I dunno.

Chris; yeah, thats pretty un-cool that Mike took this thread that way. I think that the members of this forum need to be a little more respectful, but also more importantly; people should make sure to be clear when explaining their opinions. I NEVER bashed HoW --- I just personally don't enjoy it. Isolation Years on the other hand, I love.