Controversial non-metal opinions

I remember that it took Pink Floyd to topple CCR from their throne as best jazz/rock artists... though Tina Turner gave it a good go with her jazzed up version of Proud Mary, a song previously thought impossible to jazz up more than it already was.

geeze, Im feeling abit dizzy, must go lay down and chill to the smooth jazz sounds of the Mommas and Poppas
Emerson, Lake & Palmer are by far the best classic prog rock band. Pink Floyd, Yes & Genesis all have great stuff, but nothing that matches the intensity of classic ELP.

If we're talking in terms of greatest songs alone, I'm inclined to agree with you. ELP did some absolutely mindblowing, breathtaking music. They also had a lot of shit, though, and I'm not sure they ever made a full album that can stand up to some other classic prog albums end to end.
OCI votes for Crimson and Yes. Lots of people don't even know that KC put out 7 studio albums between 1969 and 1975, all full of insane prog goodness. Favorite out of those? LIZARD.
Im not fimiliar much with Yes, Crimson or Genesis and never leaned toward keyboard dominated music. I liked to rock and guitar dominate stuff that was heavier, so my favorite old progressive songs are by less technically skilled hard rock bands that just poped out a few more progressive songs here and there, like Tull, Cooper, Heep had a couple, Zepp had a few, Focus had a few (I liked), even Queen, Rush was a turning point, then Crack the Sky and Kansas. I was never really crazy about all that synth stuff, Jan Hammer was really the first I heard that was right for me with synth improv.

Loved Round About but it was all Yes had for me, the same with Court of the Crimson King and even Karn Evil 9 1st pt2. Im sure theres hidden gems there I just never heard or gave a chance. Like I enjoy all of Brain Salad today but really only a couple times a year is enough.
Like Jan Hammer? Get this album. Sit back, & listen in awe to the intensity of true musicianship.

Al Di Meola "Elegant Gypsy"

Have it since it was new. This is why I'd like to know what piece of music would be Mclaughlins prime standout of "superiority". At that time most felt DiMeola was better. John seemed to improve with his influence into Latin which seemed mostly spurred by Al and Paco. John was into that sitar sounding stuff too much for me and was sloppy compared to DiMeola and Morse. All three were ground breakers though, so I wouldnt want to take credit from John for any of that but something about the early Mahavishnu records tells me that as far as improvisation he was really feeding off from the talents and feel of Hammer and Goodman with great influence from Ravi Shankar who was "all the rage" amounst the flower childern at that time. I could be wrong.
Jackson is easily the jazziest artist to come out since Pink Floyd, frequently cited bands such as Cynic or Planet X are too steeped into old blues and R&B scales and come off sounding more like a demented Bad Company. Classic Michael Jackson on the other hand immediately recalls heavy shades of 'A Love Supreme'.

This is retarded. Jazz is awesome. That is all.
Im partial to Dark Side and would need to listen to them back to back again to make a call.

Musically nearly anything is better than Dylan so Ill believe Waits is and I have no fimiliarity with his music... lol

Dylan was an interesting lyricist and thats where it ends
I feel like The Wall is a more tedious than rewarding experience, I can pick out specific tracks that are awesome on it, but as far as listening to an album through goes, I would pick Dark Side Of The Moon over it.
DSOTM > The Wall.

furthermore, I hate Comfortably numb. so much.

Dylan and Waits are completely different. Incomparable in the same sentence.I personally love both, but am much more familiar with waits

EDIT: ninjad on the waits/dylan comment by Challenge
John Lennon is no legend.

The Beatles are nowhere near as talented as Pink Floyd, Yes, Black Sabbath, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, or Emerson, Lake & Palmer.

Thats a biggie but The Beatles weren't trying to be anything..They didn't fall into any genre..So Just cuz they wrote short poppy songs they also wrote trippy Rock tunes...And that makes them the greatest band of all time...I can listen to the last 7 Beatles albums today and I still think there better then almost 95% music I hear, metal included.
Im partial to Dark Side and would need to listen to them back to back again to make a call.

Musically nearly anything is better than Dylan so Ill believe Waits is and I have no fimiliarity with his music... lol

Dylan was an interesting lyricist and thats where it ends
Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.