Controversial non-metal opinions

And I also prefer Tom Waits to Bob Dylan. Not that they're particularly comparable.

Some of Waits' acoustic stuff is similar to Dylan; but on average, they're not that comparable. Still, Waits is far better (and cooler) than Dylan, in my opinion.

Wish You Were Here > The Wall and DSOTM

Meddle > all other Pink Floyd albums
I think there is more to it than that... read your posts... topics you've started, very visable pattern.
Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel both suck ass.

I dunno if I'd call that controversial.

Yes they both do.

Whoa, whoa, WHOA. What... the... fuck? Come on now Chris! Billy Joel I can understand (although I disagree with), but the Boss? Everyone has Springsteen albums they don't like, but have you ever listened to the records Ghost of Tom Joad or Nebraska? If not, I highly suggest you do, as it might alter your perception of Springsteen (that goes for all you nuts, by the way :cool:). They're extremely folky and stripped down, and much less extravagant than the pop music he's more well-known for.

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Nirvana sucks
Pearl Jam sucks

1. Yes
2. Fuck no
Springsteen is great. He's made so many classic albums: Darkness on the Edge of Town, Born to Run, Nebraska, The River, Born in the USA, et al. Great songwriter.
Some of Waits' acoustic stuff is similar to Dylan; but on average, they're not that comparable. Still, Waits is far better (and cooler) than Dylan, in my opinion.
No way. Dylan is better though his songs were done better by other people (Hendrix etc.)... But i do like Dylan's Knockin on Heaven's Door better then anyone else's version..

Meddle > all other Pink Floyd albums
Nahh I think they are all great from Meddle to The Wall. Just some have been too overplayed on the radio. Thank god they don't play Echoes on the radio or else I would stop listening to that song. And that one is probably my favorite one of their's.

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Nirvana sucks
Pearl Jam sucks

Nirvana doesn't suck

Pearl Jam does except Black, Alive and Breathe.

Springsteen is great. He's made so many classic albums: Darkness on the Edge of Town, Born to Run, Nebraska, The River, Born in the USA, et al. Great songwriter.
I'm not a big Boss fan except for his live version of Jersey Girl, Philadelphia and Glory Days.

Also for Billy Joel, I hate most of his music and it's way overplayed here in NY. But i do like Piano Man, Goodnight Saigon and a couple of other ones.
You critique music according to where you are posting. One place you critize progessive music then here you want to talk about bland... always hate, negative, stereo typing, bringing old tired threads TTP. When we got moderators these hate thread were never supposed to fly.
So people have to be a professional critic or a musician in order to satisfy your definition of a music critic on a forum? :lol:

As for hate threads, this a hate thread of non-metal music we don't like not a hate thread where people are fighting each other except in your case where you are as usual which is not a surprise. Anyways the gang is not fighting, we are having a fun discussion so let them be. You do not have to read nor participate in it if it bothers you what they are saying. :)
I can't stand Yes, and am yet to find a listenable,or at least a thoroughly engaging record by them. But then, I've only listened to Relayer and Close to the Edge. Nothing in their sound beckons me, saying: "play me again, man".:erk:
um professional critics are mega assholes and where much of what the sheep spew comes from. The point you missed was if you cant walk the walk dont talk the talk, old proverb, has nothing to do with ME. But again you are starting your focus issues.
Yes they are assholes thats why I hate movie critics on tv/newspapers etc. But has everything to do with you because everyone must conform to your way of doing things.

Focus issues? It is a public forum that anyone can and has the right to "focus" on you or someone else's post if they wish to. If not then take your posts private in PM.

The rest of the post had nothing to do with you so if you didnt like it too bad, stay out of it.
Ironic, this thread has nothing to do with you and yet you do not like it so wouldn't it be correct for you to stay out of it then?

If the only way someone knows how to "have fun" is to say artists "suck" that have towed the line and have actual creative merit and history to prove it, I suggest getting a life.
Actually i believe the word TB used was "bland" and he has the right to say so if he does not like that artists' particular music. Bland is a polite word imo and you are overreacting as usual and making a big issue out of nothing.

I was around when the moderaters were chosen and some guidlines set in place, if you were absent or have forgotten one of the primary points was to stop all the suckage and hate threads.
Only if there is infighting in such thread of which there isn't in this one except you. You are the only one if you haven't noticed who has a issue with it. Do you think the Mods and/or Deron are not reading this thread currently by now? Of course they probably are but they do not see people having a problem with it except you of course and I doubt they will bend over backwards for you because you think everyone should.

I do find it ironic though because you have done your own suckage/hate in other threads about certain genres/bands without "walking the walk or talking the talk" and backing it up and here you are criticizing others as usual :lol:

Like I said, if this thread bothers you then just leave and let the rest enjoy it before you came along to ruin it. You seriously take the fun out of any discussion/thread.