Controversial non-metal opinions

If I was completely pushed to choose a favorite player there is a good chance it would be McLaughlin. I don't necessarily mind shredders...and btw McLaughlin definitely does shred even if all his techniques don't fit into that modern playbook.............. People such as Victor Smolski, Ron Jarzombek..those are people who can literally do anything in their soloing and have developed a killer melodic ear and a very individual tone and style..
rock shredders ?
McLaughlin where its at ? based on what piece of music ?
McLaughlin not a shredder ?

ha !
Look, I'm sick of this. They use jazz chords, that was all I said; and they're more complicated than just 7th chords, that's the point I was making. As far as theory goes, no one gets a deep understanding of theory from music lessons. You need a class for that.

Thus, my A.P. music theory comment. Wow.
I would suggest two at once if you can get them... WatchTower - Control and Resistance, and Gordian Knot - s/t. You want something that really does sound 'jazzy'..or just plain insane...check out the lead work on the WatchTower...the way the songs just turn into a broken groove in the middle and he provides this crazy, swirling mass of notes.........and every riffset he has on the album is brilliant and melodically dead-on as well. Kids should be playing 'The Fall of Reason' in guitar stores. On Gordian Knot he handles guitars along with Trey Gunn and Glenn Snelwar, and Ron's less dissonant, more colorful lead work on it is incredible placed alongside Sean Malone's ever-present stick playing.
I havent heard much Jarzombek but from what I have his sense of rhythm astounds me and seems to be uniquely creative too. Not like Zappa but off the hook like Zappa.
I worship Vai and Satch but never looked into any other albums from Eric Johnson other than Ah Via Musicom...any of his albums possibly better than that one? Thats a tough one to beat.

That's actually my favorite, so I don't think you'll find much better. I just prefer Johnson's style, I guess. I used to dig Satch, but over the years I just really came to love Johnson's technique. It soothes me more than Satch or Vai (maybe I haven't heard the right stuff from those guys, but everything I have heard doesn't effect me like Johnson does).
That's actually my favorite, so I don't think you'll find much better. I just prefer Johnson's style, I guess. I used to dig Satch, but over the years I just really came to love Johnson's technique. It soothes me more than Satch or Vai (maybe I haven't heard the right stuff from those guys, but everything I have heard doesn't effect me like Johnson does).

^ this post = balance ^

Pat - Just checked Junkyard Kings and I've been to your acoustic stuff a few times. You know it might not be neck snapping ground breaking stuff but its all damn well written songs. Junkyard songs are upbeat and fun, you guys must get good response when you play out. I have always liked that kind of music (both styles) but sadly dont have one ounce of that in myself.
Michael Jackson is awesome. Truly the King of Pop. Best Pop artist ever. Has a knack for singing a good vocal melody.

Jazz & flamenco is not the be-all/end-all answer to music, nor is it anything anyone in their right mind would ever compare metal to.

Orion, what would you say is the best Jarzombek album? Heard Ink Complete and liked it but that's it all so far. Although I suppose now we're back into metal discussion...

My personal favorite things he's done are Spastic Ink's "Compatible" & his solo album "Speaking of the Solitaries of Confinement". I think "Compatible" is so awesome. Meticulous production & it has so much balance, unlike his Blotted Science progect.

Watchtower are pretty badass, although they get a little boring, or at least same sounding. I prefer the first Watchtower album that doesn't have Jarzombek on it, although it is lesser in production quality.
One more thing:


Emerson, Lake & Palmer are by far the best classic prog rock band. Pink Floyd, Yes & Genesis all have great stuff, but nothing that matches the intensity of classic ELP.
I disagree that jazz is disassociated with rock. If you listen to Michael Jackson's classic 'Off the Wall' LP you can clearly hear the influence of Sun Ra, John Coltrane, and other avant-jazz innovators in tracks such as the immense sounding title track and the wistful interpretation of Wings' 'Girlfriend'. So great was the swirl of hype surrounding the album at the time before it's release, that Epic considered ushering in Jan Hammer and Jean Luc Ponty as guest players on his sophomore effort, however, this was scrapped as it was rumored Herbie Hancock and other greats were going in a more 'pop' direction, making the daring jazz direction of the debut passé. Thus 'Thriller' was born and sold out to the tune of 109 million copies worldwide.

Only the debut is 'true' Jackson tbqh.
I wasn't trying to imply that jazz is disassociated with rock. I'm a musician & I know other musicians who might play rock/metal at times but also discredit it in a musical context when compared to jazz wank. I love jazz BTW, but there are so many forms of it. It's so multidimensional.
Jackson is easily the jazziest artist to come out since Pink Floyd, frequently cited bands such as Cynic or Planet X are too steeped into old blues and R&B scales and come off sounding more like a demented Bad Company. Classic Michael Jackson on the other hand immediately recalls heavy shades of 'A Love Supreme'.
^ this post = balance ^

Pat - Just checked Junkyard Kings and I've been to your acoustic stuff a few times. You know it might not be neck snapping ground breaking stuff but its all damn well written songs. Junkyard songs are upbeat and fun, you guys must get good response when you play out. I have always liked that kind of music (both styles) but sadly dont have one ounce of that in myself.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. Yeah, we're not really trying to be anything groundbreaking; we just like to write songs. :cool: Thanks again, I'll pass your comments along to the guys.

Jackson is easily the jazziest artist to come out since Pink Floyd,

This is going to be a running joke with you, isn't it? :cool: