Controversial non-metal opinions

Your dad was a fan?I do remember that you got into them when you readed all the lyrics to Thick As A Brick.

?? My dad's not into them at all. I went to see them with some friends of my brother who are all older then me. I was only nine or ten. And I got into them long before I joined this forum.

I dont recall Minstrel in the Gallery, this was around the time I started to listen to alot of fusion. I barely recall War Child and To Old... but a friend had those so I know I heard them. SO I had a lapse period between Thick as a Brick and Songs from the Wood. Of those during that period is Minstral the one I should get first ? Im thinking yes for many reasons - I know I heard the other three - it sounds like it might be more progressive looking at the song list - it seems to recieve good praise - Im over due for some "new" music

Finally got my house stereo CD player fixed and a stylis for my turntable so at least I can spin Songs From the Wood again which I was quite attached to.

With you second comment about Ian's acoustic work Im wondering how much of the acoustic work Barre did ?

Minstrel in the Gallery is one of their best albums, and definitely one of their best with the classic 70s lineup (Barlow on drums, Glascock on bass, Evan and Palmer on keys). Personally, I think Barre's tone on the entire record is just awesome; it's sharp, edgy and raucous, and just nasty.

I'm uncertain about how much acoustic work Barre actually performed; upon listening to the albums and watching Anderson play live, the similarity in style leads me to conclude that Anderson probably performed most of the acoustic work on the albums. I'll have to check the liner notes.
Well considering Thoth approves of Guns and Roses... which is fine but can find no merit in at least specific Nickleback songs I find to be a contradiction when they both fed the same kind of audience/listening demographic only seperated by 10 years.

But whatever... I'll take my three point net

except the two groups have nothing in common musically... so what's your point?
commercially aimed hardrock with many of the same fans is hardless pointless. In fact Slashes Slither competed directly for air time with Nicklebacks Figured You Out and both were picked up by rock club gig bands. Nickleback is everything in recent years that GnR was late 80's early 90's to the same exact demographic target audiance.
The Who, The Beatles, and Elvis are all garbage.
The Monkees were awesome.
Whoever told Frank Sinatra that he can sing was lying like a motherfucker.
Disagree with this one.

Edit: Also The Monkees aren't very good, don't like them at all.

Opinions are opinions.

I find it amusing that The Monkees made a very classic rock song (Not Your Steppin' Stone) famous, and that most people don't even know they did it.

Note that I'm not attempting to say that they wrote it.
I love old Sinatra, usually has to be the old stuff too, not later like the 60's when that gang was becoming out dated and started trying too hard to be hip. They just didnt seem to put the expression into it like they once did. I never thought he was that great either until I caught the movie they made on him in the 90's or first part of 00's, then I heard his older music and began paying more attention to his voice, phrasing and expression. Franks voice was a fine instrument.

I dont care what anyone thinks this generation had the greatest romance songs.

and a later version of one of his earliest songs

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Fooey on Elvis too, man had some serious pipes clear to the bitter end
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The fucking Monkeys were a teenie bopper (band?) only liked by girlies and maybe boys below the age of 12. The Monkeys have no place in any statement regrading Sinatra or Elvis

So, ya... morons are born every minute but your minute in the pink must have been prolonged.
Opinions are opinions.
