Cynthia Muñoz Alvarez (1983-2003)

sorry to hear...

one of my friends fathers died over xmas, and she was really troubled by it, but shes ok now (i think, i hope.) i dont know how id react if one of my family members died. im also curious as to how she died, of course its fine if you dont want to tell us.
No, I don't mind telling about my sister's death, but I have mixed feelings about it, I'm happy for her, because she had the most mercyful death I can think about, she didn't have any pain, nor anguish, she didn't even knew she was going to die, she was at the top and she left before having the chance to come down even a bit, like the great ones always do, she came back from partying with her boyfriend and friends late at night, she was tired but cheerful, she had been very busy with university papers (she had just started university a few weeks a go, and was very excited about it) so she was missing a lot of sleep, and also she had told a friend of her that she was not feeling very good because of something she had eaten, she said a few things to me and went to her bedroom to sleep, the next day my dad came to take us to a restaurant and I knocked on her door to tell her he had arrived, she didn't say a thing, that was very weird because she always replied when I knocked, so I knocked harder and harder and I got no reply so I asked my mother to get the key and open the door, we got in and found her lying on her bed, she had passed away, when she was sleeping she spewed and since she was sleeping very deeply she didn't wake up, so she choked in her own vomit and died (we learned this after the proper analysis where done) was so...stupid I still can't believe it, if she had only slept in a different position I wouldn't be writing this, it is something that will take me(us) a long time to accept because she was so young, so healthy and to die in such an unthinkable way, I almost think I'm making up some twisted tale or tasteless joke, but this is the way she passed away.

I have read each and every reply to this thread and PM kindly sent by many friends and strangers too, I just wanted to tell you I appreciate them all and I will reply to each one of them in some time, I'm not very much in the mood and besides I still have lots of things to take care of here, thanks you very much for your support, it is a tragedy that a thing like this had to happen for me to realize how strong I can be, I WILL borne my parents(specially my mother) out of this, I just need a few moments to let it out and cry from time to time, and I'm grateful that you are listening.
Thanatos neta que fuerte eres,despues de lo que paso que te conte en el PM no me quise conectar como por dos semanas,cuando me conecte venia a UM y neta no tenia nada que decir,estaba bien deprimido y ni ganas tenia de ir a la escuela ni de ver a nadie.Se que lo que podamos decir de "esta en un mejor lugar" y esas madres pueden no consolarte pero neta ya viste que aunque sea por internet pues aqui andamos.
I am glad she didn't suffer,it's one of the only comforts that this can bring to anyone,it sounds like a tasteless joke but sometimes life is a tasteless joke man.I hope your strenght stays with you in this hard times and you are able to overcome this.
I am with you and your family, Luis.

Not sure I have suitable words, as well as not sure there are any.

This morning I felt really strange, so strange that I decided to take guitar instead of working and produced something. And when I read your words, I instantly decided it was for you. It sounds poor in MIDI, and I didn't have time to anything somewhat completed, so it really is a kind of a speechless uncesonsored mind-cry.

You are a great person as far as I know and I'm totally sure your sister was too. So, this goes to you and her.

Can I say anything at all that will comfort you in anyway? I dont think so, but I can tell you that I am sorry, so sorry for the pain, you and your family have to go through for no good reason. I am sorry my friend.

Your friends cry with you, Thanatos. I am deeply sorry. PMs and e-mail are open, as always if you need to talk.

"And unto them from whose eyes the veils of Life hath fallen, be granted the accomplishment of their wills. Whether they will absorption in the Infinite, or to be with their chosen and preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve the labor and heroism of incarnation on this planet or any other, or any star, or aught else, may there be granted unto them the accomplishment of their Wills." -Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass

Luis,you have my deepest condolences for the loss of your sister...All of your posts have been very very touching.I'm sure your sister was a wonderful person... I also admire your strength and the way you expressed all these feelings about her.....May peace be with your sister and strength with your family...
Take good care...

At loss for words,
~M~ ( :cry: )
Dude, I am so sorry to hear that. I know that the words probably do not mean much to you right now, but the thought is there for you. This life is only but a blink of an eye in the big picture.