Cynthia Muñoz Alvarez (1983-2003)

As I draw up my breath,
And silver fills my eyes.
I kiss her still,
For she will never rise.

On my weak body,
Lays her dying hand.
Through those meadows of Heaven,
Where we ran.

Like a thief in the night,
The wind blows so light.
It wars with my tears,
That won't dry for many years.

Loves golden arrow
At her should have fled,
And not Deaths ebon dart
To strike her dead.
If thou didst ever hold her in thy heart,
Absent thee from felicity for awhile,
And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain
To tell her story

So tell them,
With the occurents more and less, which have sollicited.
-The Rest Is Silence.
Thanatos: i know i'm late on this. i haven't been posting much lately. well, i suppose that hate is not going to help you with this either.

i'm sorry you lost your sister. :cry:
I know I haven't been around lately, so I very sorry for what happen to you and your family. You have my deepest condolences Luis. I know it's hard for you to accept this but things happen. Don't blame yourself for what happen. You didn't even know that this was going to happen. I'm not good at this but I know that you just have to ask to the guy above "why". I have, and I know that many other in here have. But I somehow feel that we'll never know the answer. :cry: Stay strong Luis.

- red_beef
As it has been several times before, I don't know what to say- I am close, as close as it can be, I'm close with all my heart and all I have.
Losses strangle the breathe, and maybe telling you that I feel this way won't help.

I hug you warmly.
As warmly as I can.

I thought this needed to come back to the first page.

Your friends have not forgotten. I thought you needed a fresh hug, Thanatos. :)

Hope all is going as well as could be during this time.
Ormir said:
The way you expressed your emotions was moving, I'm sure she'd have been proud to have a brother like you to remember her. Reading that was genuinely saddening. I wish I had more words, or even knew which ones to use, but I don't. I wish you heartfelt strength in coping with her loss.

This is really sad :cry:.
hehe Im drunk out of my mind, i miss my sister, i have so many time s thought idf betetr be dead and my sister alive
Thanatos said:
hehe Im drunk out of my mind, i miss my sister, i have so many time s thought idf betetr be dead and my sister alive

better for her or better for you? she'd be the one that would have to cope with all the sorrow then.
however, we can't change these things. who knows what would turn out for the best?

Those are normal things to feel man, and Im sorry that bullshit like that happens. Just remember where ever she is she still loves you, and she is still with you always.
