Dark Fucking Throne! (II)


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
Mods: I can't seem to find my original thread, so I've made this new one. If the original can be found, please merge this into it?

Okay: so, as per the original thread, Darkthrone worship here! Fenriz is king, and Culto's vocals are still the grimmest of all!

So I read today that the new record, Circle The Wagons, is due out in April!


I've thoroughly enjoyed FOAD and DTABF, and if they head into a more traditional heavy metal direction, I certainly don't mind. Their influences and love for metal being expressed in this way only makes them even more fucking supreme imo.

Thoughts? Vent, or pay your respects!:kickass:
a lot of people lost interest in them after their latest albums, personally i never disliked one album for the, and i can't fucking wait for this one.
Looking forward to it, but hope its not the 100% same path as the last two albums. Even though they were cool, but got boring fast. Awsome looking coverart (as always):


Norwegian black metallers DARKTHRONE will release their new album, "Circle The Wagons", on April 5 via Peaceville Records.

In a recent interview with Holland's FaceCulture, DARKTHRONE's Nocturno Culto stated about the upcoming CD, "I think the focus is now more heavy metal and rock and roll, really, and that's a style I like to play on the guitar, and that shows on our new album as well, because my songs on that album are very heavy metal-oriented."

He added, "I think the first recording session we had on this album, I had a really good feeling, as usual, but I think it was something extra. I think this album is… It's not cool to say it's probably some of the best things we did, but I believe so. The songs are strong, and they have a good production, in our point of view.

"We really don't belong in the modern scene; that's why we're kind of outsiders. In our hearts, we still belong to the underground, and that's where we're comfortable."

Regarding the "Circle The Wagons" cover artwork, Nocturno Culto said, "It has an Indian theme, actually; I don't know if any band did that before. Dennis Dread is the American artist doing the front covers for the last three albums, including the new one. Mr. Necro, our kind of guy on the cover, he kind of has Indian things."
Darkthrone is one band that I've never taken the time to look into, but I seriously want to. I used to avoid them unfairly and irrationally.

Anyway, I'm way behind the times but I'm planning on getting a couple of their older albums soon.
I love FOAD, but I found Dark thrones and black flags to be uber boring. I traded that album away ASAP. I'm curious to see how this new album sounds, but I'm in no rush to get it.
I've enjoyed their past few albums.

In other news, I'm wearing my True Norwegian Black Metal Darkthrone shirt!
Darkthrone is one band that I've never taken the time to look into, but I seriously want to. I used to avoid them unfairly and irrationally.

Anyway, I'm way behind the times but I'm planning on getting a couple of their older albums soon.

I've tried multiple times to get into them, pretty much given up at this point.
I might just listen to this album for a good laugh. New Darkthrone isn't completely a joke but definitely not something i would take seriously. This blackened punk can be a little catchy at times though.
^ Sigh.

It isn't blackened punk, why do joyriders persist on using terms they don't understand? Oh that's right, too busy joyriding...

The closest they did to punk was The Cult Is Alive (read, that's ONE record not all their later material ffs), and nothing since has ventured towards punk again. Don't believe me? Listen to some Propaghandi and Black Flag, and then listen to FOAD and DTABF.
^ Sigh.

It isn't blackened punk, why do joyriders persist on using terms they don't understand? Oh that's right, too busy joyriding...

The closest they did to punk was The Cult Is Alive (read, that's ONE record not all their later material ffs), and nothing since has ventured towards punk again. Don't believe me? Listen to some Propaghandi and Black Flag, and then listen to FOAD and DTABF.

I'm not sure if i can agree because i still hear some punk in DTABF as well as FOAD, just not at much as TCIA. Btw, i wasn't totally serious when i called it blackened punk. They are obviously more so black N' Roll than punk.