Do your parents like Bodom?

My parents both like COB... Then again they like a lot of the music I listen to. It's funny to see two 55 year old drinking beer with metal cranked up to the point you have to yell to be heard. They even put up with me growling in my room. hahaha.
my father dislikes it, says it sounds like an "illness with the frontmans throat" ^^" at least my mum seems to like it a bit. she always has to listen to CoB and other stuff while shes upstairs.. so she finally realized she'll never change my opinion of this kinda music ;)
I'm new!!!! :)

Sometimes I make my dad listen to Bodom in the car with me, because I need to drive him around a lot.

He laughs when Alexi sings. But I sent him the video of Lex and Roope playing Vivaldi and he loved it.

Word. :)

Well, welcome to the forum... :wave: ...and nice to know that your father liked at least that video by Alexi and Roope, you're lucky somehow. :)
My dad likes it, but he could care less...
My mom's an insane Christian bitch that took over 200+ of my cds and destroyed's devil music...:mad:, but said she liked what my band was playing when we did a school was a Children of Bodom cover....

Because adding blastbeats and distortion to something obviously means you worship Satan, lawlz!
My dad can tolerate metal but my mom likes Metallica and the keyboards of Dimmu Borgir and COB. One time i left a couple of Cannibal Corpse and Trivium cds in her car and the next week i caught her listening to them.
My mother is okay with the fact that I listen COB, she doesn't listen to it her self, but she has a laugh listening at the covers. My father at the contrary doesn't like it at all. He's got angry more than once because I listen to COB. He thinks I get too influenced.

(Not that I give a shit.)
Today I showed my mother a few keyboard parts (for example the solo in Silent Night, Bodom Night and some parts from Downfall and Bed of Razors) and she actually liked it x'D I want to start playing keyboard/piano again and (she also plays piano) she said like, let's play it together x'D I was like, lol you go girl!

Told my dad the whole story about Bodom again and why I love this band so much, and well. He still doesn't like it. Pooface, but for christmas I bought him an Iron Maiden album, he'll be happy with that, he sneaky copied my A Matter Of Life And Death album so I bought him The Number Of The Beast. It's the more older stuff, think that's more his 'thing'.

Anyways, they're okay with it anyway. I can choose my own things, so as they do. Glad I don't have an agressive Christian mother destroying every Bodom album I own :tickled:
LOL. I AM the parent! My kids like Bodom, even my 8 year old. I'm 39 and I'm a total metal mom. I grew up in the 80's, so, I had the hair metal happening as well as the good beg. roots of thrash like early Metallica, Exodus, Early Slayer, etc...

So, yes "I" listen do metal. Do MY parents. No way. They didn't even like Motley Crue back in the 80's :kickass:
LOL. I AM the parent! My kids like Bodom, even my 8 year old. I'm 39 and I'm a total metal mom. I grew up in the 80's, so, I had the hair metal happening as well as the good beg. roots of thrash like early Metallica, Exodus, Early Slayer, etc...
Getting your 8-year old to listen to metal? That's pretty badass on both of your parts. :kickass:
LOL. I AM the parent! My kids like Bodom, even my 8 year old. I'm 39 and I'm a total metal mom. I grew up in the 80's, so, I had the hair metal happening as well as the good beg. roots of thrash like early Metallica, Exodus, Early Slayer, etc...

So, yes "I" listen do metal. Do MY parents. No way. They didn't even like Motley Crue back in the 80's :kickass:

That's awesome, you're kinda like my mom
Awesome Nikki! You're mom and I would probably get along.

And Buttock1234 - Yes, I had to make sure the 8 year old didn't fall into some rap crap. LOL. :rock:

His favorite bands are Children of Bodom, Exodus and Divine Heresey. + he's got long hair and owns a mini-strat! I'll mold him if I must. However, music is still 2nd priority to the XBOX and Wii. :p