Do your parents like Bodom? dad likes some rock music (def lepard,bon jovi,ect),he also likes rap (sucks) and trance (sucks aswell :erk:)

And he always makes jokes that i'm satanic,i told them about mortification (death/thrash metal band with christian lyrics),he said: ''Don't listen to christian music now!'' lol,anyway,my dad doesn't realy like metal,neither cob (the only metal song that he likes is ''one'' by metallica.) also he thinks it's funny cause i listen to judas priest (i'm born in 1993 :mad:)

My mum is more into pop,and some poprock,maybe she would like cob,i let her listen to ''as we speak'' by soilwork,''frozen angel'' by Norther,and a song by dragonforce (can't remeber then title anymore :p) and she liked it,but probably due to the clean vocals.
My mum, and Dad hate most of my music. They don't complain, but they prefer that I keep my door shut. My Dad has come in mocking the vocals before.

I tried.. once to put a Within Temptation CD with my grandparents and mum, and they thought it was terrible - wtf? It is hardly death metal.

My brother likes much of my music/COB, but he is more into soilwork.
haha, no they dont like them....but they think the keys sounds good, but the vocals are too hash for em.
My dad thinks dad cob sucks.He always says " Son, this is brutality with guitar.People are screaming and telling meaningless words.It's not music, it's garbage." and I say "Look at the lyrics, you can see a perfect imagination full of hate and pain.These men were suffered cause of life and they're writing them in their music.They're screaming cause they're hatred.And playing guitar like Alexi is not easy dad..."

My mum is like me.She listens rock sometimes metal.Metallica,Apocalyptica,Anthrax,Nirvana and etc.She never says that I musn't listen this music.She wants me to listen this music.And I listened so much death metal so my mum can seperate Six Feet Under and Cannibal Corpse when I listen them.:D
My mom needed a ride somewhere and I was in town, so I made her listen to them... Hate Crew, actually.
I don't think she dug it much.
My dad likes them, and he likes metal too. My mom hates them, she always says, that the music is making me weird. :u-huh::lol: