Do your parents like Bodom?

Unfortunatly my parents don't like them.:waah: My mom is against metal all together. My dad listens to Metallica, Def Leppard, and AC/DC, but hates my music. Both still think I'm like..the devils daughter. :mad:
My dad doesnt care what i listen to and generally dislikes metal :P and my grandma thinks im the offspring of satan coz of the way i dress(Note she doesnt even know im listening to stuff i woud probly freak her out totally) Maybe a bit overreacted but shes an pretty active Christian so XD
Random thing to ask, but I'm curious if anyone's parents here like Bodom. I was burning my dad a CD the other day (he is 58) with shit like Def Leppard, Bob Seger, The Eagles, etc on it. Then he asks me to put 'that band I always listen to' on it, referring to Bodom. I put on In Your Face and Hate Me! He seems to like it.

Is there anyone else out there this has happened to? Discuss.

Holy shit this is exactly what happened with my dad too. Except take off hate me! I just put IYF lol. He's not a huge fan but my friends come over to jam since I'm a drummer so he still tries to enjoy bodom since we play a lot of it. He likes maiden though he went to a show with me and my friend last october. He is more into stuff like Genesis which I have to say is pretty decent lol.
My parents cant stand them..My dad only hear folk music and some pop songs, my mom only love some songs of Nightwish and Epica, well im the only one in all my family who listen metal, but im turning my sister XD
Only reason why my mom would even turn an ear on COB is if they had some cheesy classical piece, and my stepdad maybe during a solo would think hey that's cool shredding and ask what's this band.
My dad is impressed by Janne with his musical skills, he plays piano himself and some keyboards so :Smug: I don't know his opinion off Alexi's singing though
my dad doesn't mind listening to bodom. he sort of likes some of their stuff. :) everytime i'm in the car with my dad i always put some bodom on. :) but he seems to like in flames and trivium a lot more.

my mom hates anything metal. she can't stand any of it. she thinks it's all satan music. :lol:
My mum likes The Four Horsemen by Metallica but I don't think she likes Bodom. She says that and Lamb of God sound like they're possessed by the devil (vocals).
My mom likes Nightwish, Epica, Within Temptation and Apocalyptica,
which is cool, since she also likes reggea... :Smug:
COB scares her... :lol:
My mom loves Bodom, she goes to all the Bodom shows with me, whether it's in Philadelphia, New York, Washington DC, New Jersey, etc.

My dad, nah.
My father is always saying: "Alexi is gay, Alexi is gay." (Because of the Allu-Janne thing and because of the screaming) but he knows that they are good musicians... Anyway, he doesn't care about them. He likes things like Deep Purple, AC/DC, ZZ Top, etc, etc, etc. Old stuff...

My mom... She doesn't like Bodom, of course. She doesn't like metal.
Just on a side note. I was playing The Philosopher by death and my mom was like "That's Satanic music!"
I said "Actually there was an interview with the lead guitarist and vocalist of this band and when asked if they were satanic he said no", then she replies
"They are still Satanic."
My father is always saying: "Alexi is gay, Alexi is gay." (Because of the Allu-Janne thing and because of the screaming) but he knows that they are good musicians... Anyway, he doesn't care about them. He likes things like Deep Purple, AC/DC, ZZ Top, etc, etc, etc. Old stuff...

My mom... She doesn't like Bodom, of course. She doesn't like metal.

Same for me hehe , my dad hates bodom , he's much into blues , hard rock. Only difference is that my dad has been playing guitar for like 35 years. He doesnt like shred at all , he's much more into '' feeling playing '' :OMG: which i respect alot because he's pretty much amazing in his style. My mom , oh fuck.. i dont even think about it...