Do your parents like SymX? (to all the teens)

wait... music is supposed to be inspiring?

lol...there are so many death/black metal covers of classic songs. And not one of them is better than the original. At least that i've seen. Simply because of the growls. But if applied properly, I can enjoy them. Like Opeth ive said it a million times. Not only can you understand every word he growls. But he than sings as soft as a bunny. OOUUU I love bunnies!
he does have a good voice but its only soft and smooth, its too bad he doesnt also sing with an edge
Damn still bickering about growling? That's pretty sad. It goes without saying there are people who like to hear growls and there are some that say they hate growls and think they are talentless. No one is going to change anyone's mind here.
geeze, still bickering about conversation about vocals and "whens the album going to be done" ?

Sad indeed
When is the album going to be done anyway?

To each their own, thats what it comes down to. Its rough sometimes to have civilized debates on our likes and dislikes.

I know alot of people who love symphony x, alot of people who hate them. My parents, don't know them, but thought it was noise when I did play it!
And most of them sound pretty shitty to me, just as clean vocalists do.

Only one in a dozen is actually good.

But I'm not going to argue about this case anymore. I support growls because I've been able to find stuff where it has been utilised amazingly well and has made the part better than it would have been otherwise.

90% of growling vocals I'm not that fond of. I think about 90% of clean vocalists I've heard have been pretty bad as well.

Great post....

By all means people keep argueing claiming that your tastes in singers are the only good ones!!!! :kickass:
I know my taste is the best, all vocalists that first caught my ear became highly revered, others I was turned on to by other people who spoke highly of them, still a comparitive small handful though as Wander implied... its a gift so few get.
so liquid, what do your parents think about symphony x?

I'm not sure.... I haven't lived at home for over 20 years and when they visit I usually don't play them.

I'm 46 now and I would say that most of the people both men and women my age or even older that I've played Symphony X for really like them if this helps answer your question....
I know my taste is the best, all vocalists that first caught my ear became highly revered, others I was turned on to by other people who spoke highly of them, still a comparitive small handful though as Wander implied... its a gift so few get.

Can you please tell me what you've been smoking? :D:Smokedev:
It depends what people were into when they were younger, stands to reason that hardrockers and progressively leaning people would appreaciate SX, now top 40 types no way.

I fail to see whats wrong with a statement about most of the revered vocalists also being my favorite, it only makes sense. Now if I had a list that said Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed and Ozzy were great vocalists that would be another thing.

dont smoke crack... lick me
Razor, i think the issue is not the vocalists that you like but rather the fact that your attitude fucking sucks dude. You grew up when heavy metal was coming around, you grew up with parents not getting what all the racket was about and so on and so forth, and I'm guessing you probably had people telling you that your idols were garbage, yet you knew better. The fact that you are doing the same thing because you've heard some marginally talented growlers and have dismissed it as garbage is pretty weak. There are talented growlers, it does take work, effort, and energy to sound unique and better than others, and it's a difficult thing to do. It will wreck your voice just as much as belting out high-ass screams.
I think he is trying to get at that it takes talent and practice to hit those high heavy metal screams or to sing in a high way without sounding like crap. The thing about growling is that sounding like crap is the point which allows two things, 1. anyone can do it if they tried 2. you don't have to sound good because sounding bad is the point. I could do a decent cookie monster growl and so can a couple of my friends (we've tried it together once lol don't ask) and we all nailed it with no practice whatsoever. But I highly doubt that me or my friends could hit an A5 note and retain it for more than a second and have it sound good. Those kind of singing techniques take years of practice to master.

It's kind of sort of like Michael Angelo Batio vs Steve Vai. We all know michael angelo is super fast and insane and that his ability to play that fast should be respected. I respect his ability to play fast. But then you ask yourself, yeah he plays really fast.. but how many good songs does he have? And then you go on youtube and notice 8 year olds can play as fast as michael angelo lol. With a little practice you can achieve the kinda things that angelo does. But what about vai? That dude practiced his ass off for years and years and years and his playing style is pretty good.. and you, as well as a bunch of your friends, can name a handful of memorable songs by Vai.

There's a difference between having a good technique and having talent. These growlers have great technique but are easily emulated and lack emotion. Instead of feeling the hatred/pain/sadness/fear through the emotion in the singing, you are told to hate/feel pain/etc. by being growled and cookie'd.