Does Reroute to Remain really appeal to fans of Linkin Park, Slipknot and Korn?

The reason In Flames tried to make a popular album is so they could get a better record contract, as I believe this was their last on on the on with NB (I think the re-signed a new deal)
Steve420 said:
Many of you have said In Flames are trying to appeal to fans of shitty fake metal bands such as Korn, Sllipknot, and Linkin Park. I have conducted a survey to see how true this is. My target audience? Stupid Teenagers. I played clips of various metal music over a few days to kids at my school, and got some feedback. After asking each if they woulf like to participate in a survey of music, I played some music for them.

First person (female wearing all black, Slipknot shirt, fishnet, hair dyed black, generic goth look, safety pin through her lip)
In Flames - Transparent
Steve: Do You like it?
Answer: No, it's not loud enough. Slipknot is so much better.
Next song:
In Flames - The Jester's Dance
Steve: Do you like this, it's some older stuff.
Answer: It sucks, there's no singing and it sounds like BB Mak! I like real music like Slipknot, real death metal
Steve: You like death metal?
Answer: Yes
Steve: Here's something that you should really like.
Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie
At this point, during the song, she had a eally weird look on her face, then screamed and took the headphohnes off.
Girl(almost crying): I hate that evil crap!!!!!
Steve: Is that why you claim to be a satanist? Oh, right... real satanists don't make the mistake of wearing pagan pentacles... and they also don't gert dragged along to church by their parents.

Second kid(male, bleached hair, bowl cut, ugly dark olive cargo pants, black 'KoRn' shirt, looks stoned)
In Flames - Cloud Connected
Steve: DO you like this song?
Answer: What the hell is this, happy kids trying to make real metal?
Steve: What do you think of as 'real metal'?
Answer: Korn and Limp Bizkit.
Steve: Maybe you'll like this...
In Flames - Transparent
Steve: Do you like this song?
Answer: I like metal, not this crap.
Steve: Oh, you like Metal, here's something I'm sure you'll love.
In Flames - Episode 666 (Koln '96)
Steve: Does this sound like god metal to you?
Answer: I don't like the bands that try to sound like Slipknot.
Steve: This is from 1996, are you aware that SLipknot wasn't around back then?
Answer: Dude, it sucks.

Third Kid(Male, attempt at a small mohawk, new Slayer shirt, wearing all black, other clothes are 'JNCO' and 'No Fear')
Steve: What type of music do you like?
Answer: Metal
Steve: What type of metal?
Answer, Death Metal, Hardcore shit, shit like that.
In Flames - Transparent
Steve: How do you like this?
Answer: It fucking sucks, the lyrics suck, they don't mean anything.
Steve: What type of lyrics do you like?
Answer: Real ones, like God Hates Us All, but if you listen to shit like this, then you won’t know real music like that.
Steve: The new Slayer music is horrible. They were a lot better ten years ago.
Answer: They weren’t around ten years ago.
Steve: Yes they were.
Answer: Dude, you’re probably thinking of another band. Slayer weren’t around ten years ago.
Steve: Right, try lisening to another song like that one to see if you like it…
Answer: It’s going to suck.
In Flames – Trigger
Steve: Do you like this any more than the last song?
Answer: I hate these fucking wuss bands that can’t write lyrics. They won’t even swear, they’re all the goody good kids who whose parents won’t let them say fuck.
Steve: I think they express themselves in other ways.
Answer: Whatever.
Steve: Want to listen to something a lot different then?
Answer: Don’t waste any more of my time.
Steve: It really is a lot different,.
Answer: OK, but it better not suck.
Dark Tranquillity – Punish My Heaven
Steve: This is a lot better, isn’t it.
Answer: The music is good, but the guy can’t sing. He sounds like he’s going to puke, then he just screams and yells “Punish Nintendo”.
Steve: Actually, he’s saying “Punish My Heaven”.
Answer: Still doesn’t sound like it.
Steve: Trust me, he isn’t saying Nintendo. Want to hear some stuff with a different vocalist?
Answer: OK, but this one better be good.
{I]Hammerfall – The Dragon Lies Bleeding[/I]
Steve: Like this more?
Answer: It’s good, but the chick that’s singing sucks.
Steve(laughing): That’s a guy singing.
Answer: It is? It sounds like a chick most of the time.
Steve: No, It’s a guy.

This made me realize another thing. In Flames don’t swear like all the nu-metal bands do. This is another reason the nu-metal kids won’t like it.

Now I try to get some pop kids who like Linkin Park to listen to RTR. After about a dozen tries, I get one person to Listen to RTR.

First Linkin Park Kid (female, wearing Linking Park ‘Reanimation’ hoodie, too much makeup, tight jeans, tanned skin, looks like a slut/Christina Aguilera wannabe[aren’t they the same thing? :lol: )
In Flames – Dawn of a New Day
After about a minute she takes the headphones off
Girl: What the hell is this, it sucks!
Steve: I’m seeing if Linkin Park fans like it.
Girl: Nobody would likethis shit music

Second Linkin Park Kid (Male, Spiked hair, naturally dark skin[Hispanic], Linkin Park hoodie [about a 3XL, he looks like he should be wearing a medium], baggy jeans)
In Flames – Reroute to Remain
Less than a minute into the song he takes off the headphones
Guy: What the fuck is this fuckin’ shit music it’’s fuckin’ shit why the fuck do you fuckin’ want me to listen to this fuckin’ shit shit?
Steve: What the hell are you talking about?

Looks like In Flames are nothing like Linkin Park, Slipknot, or Korn. There were no positive responses, although I did remove some surveys that were just “this sucks” with no insight.

I also thought you would appreciate Dissection scaring the shit out of a Slipknot fan and The “Dude, the chick that’s singing sucks” comment about Hammerfall.

Sickening isn't it? The way the whole "evil Metal" image has gotten completely raped over the past few years. Welcome to the 80's folks, only instead of men wearing women's underwear on the outside of their clothes we have fags rapping over bad music. It hurts deep down, it really does.
Steve: Does this sound like god metal to you?
Answer: I don't like the bands that try to sound like Slipknot.
Steve: This is from 1996, are you aware that SLipknot wasn't around back then?
Erm, they made their mate.feed.kill.repeat album around that time ;) he he.

In Flames do want more US fans, but remember there is more to nu metal fans. In Flames are gettings bigger every time, RTR is helping them, anyone from the US that I have talked to (online) who have heard RTR first have all heard the old stuff eventually, they love it, maybe RTR can help In Flames in a good way, but ya never know. all the In Flames bashing is stupid, because they done the opposite that the "real" fans want, who wont follow the band through like a fan should, and support them.

"Bashing" is an interesting expression.
Seems like all negative comments about IF's new hip sound is "bashing".
Bashing = In Flames suck
Negitive Comment = I dont like RTR.

it's not a matter of a band appealing to a fake audience, it is a matter of a band attempting to appeal to a fake audience. plus, do you honestly think that the day in flames gets big that they will be touring with arch enemy, nevermore, iced earth, or other such noted musicians? nope, they will be touring with the likes of inferior musicians that mtv generates.
They arent appealing to a fake audience. They are people who like the music, there shouldnt be any criterea on who should listen to the music like
"you need to be a real metalhead and grow your hair long, possibly live in europe, and have a number of favorite death/black/underground bands before you can ever like a melodic death metal fan noobie". Thats just idiotic.
In Flames have already toured with Slipknot just over a year ago, and have about recently toured with Mudvayne, two very popular bands with "numetal" fans (even though both bands arent really metal to be classed numetal in the first place). In Flames should have the right to tour with who they want without having to answer to some of their negitive narrowminded fans on the issue of "numetal". Infact most talk about it enough I would mistake them for being secret listeners to the odd song. MTV dont generate bands, they only show the videos, sure most of it is the "acceptable" things, but can you imagine a band like In Flames or Arch Enemy, or Marduk, or Dark Tranquillity being shown on MTV? The veiwers wouldnt have it, and the bands own fans would give the bands such a hard time about it that the bands would stop giving a fuck and go in the direction of In Flames did, which is over exaggerated.
There're no good bands in USA. There's only numetal and death metal. I would call the americans the narrowminded. And if in flames want get heard in USA, they have to play their style of metal and that sux.
There are lots of other bands to listen, but I don't want IF go that way. I know that I can't change their decisions.
JesteR-7 said:
There're no good bands in USA. There's only numetal and death metal. I would call the americans the narrowminded. And if in flames want get heard in USA, they have to play their style of metal and that sux.
There are lots of other bands to listen, but I don't want IF go that way. I know that I can't change their decisions.

Dude... Nevermore, Death, Vehemence, Beyond the Embrace, Iced Earth... No good American bands???
Tebus said:
Dude... Nevermore, Death, Vehemence, Beyond the Embrace, Iced Earth... No good American bands???

Yes thank you... plus Kult ov Azazel, Morbid Angel, Kataklysm, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Incantation, Monstrosity, etc.
Who the fuck cares about who likes what? Listen to the music that you like and stop caring about what other people like. Trying not to be a trendy nu-metal fan and posting all this shit about how much it sucks and how In flames is taking the wrong direction makes you just as bad as people who listen to that bullshit - Just listen to what you like and stop trying to be so hardcore - you know if you are hardcore or not inside, stop trying to prove it.
sonOfstone said:
Who the fuck cares about who likes what? Listen to the music that you like and stop caring about what other people like. Trying not to be a trendy nu-metal fan and posting all this shit about how much it sucks and how In flames is taking the wrong direction makes you just as bad as people who listen to that bullshit - Just listen to what you like and stop trying to be so hardcore - you know if you are hardcore or not inside, stop trying to prove it.
Hmm... who was this directed at??
Dreamlord said:
pffft...Agalloch has written more quality music in 2 LP's and 1 EP than In Flames has in 6 LP's and 2 EP's.

Agalloch are more into music than posing thats probably why. In Flames are posers man, and not too good at it.
I used to like them :(