Does this forum have a most liked band?

cookiecutter said:
But you know they will at least play Raining Blood and Angel of Death. That's worth the ticket price right there :kickass:

I'd rather go and see Vader; for one, they do a better version of Raining blood than Slayer!
Vader originally was a shitty slayer/morbid angel. Vader now is a repetitive boring polished death metal band. All vaders songs sound exactly the same to me. oh well

They make iced earth look like geniuses, and the most diverse band on the planet.
The Greys said:
Vader originally was a shitty slayer/morbid angel. Vader now is a repetitive boring polished death metal band. All vaders songs sound exactly the same to me. oh well

They make iced earth look like geniuses, and the most diverse band on the planet.

Seriously man? I think Vader is a quality band, and they are a band that you hear their influence, but it doesn't overwhelm the band... they still have the "Vader" sound.